
Before Change

    ddata["xroot"] = ddata["X"][ddata["iroot"]] 
    // annotate rows of X with Moignard et al. (2015) experimental cell groups
    groups_names = ["HF", "NP", "PS", "4SG", "4SFG"]
    groups = [] // a list with n entries (one for each sample)
    for name in cellnames:
        for groupname in groups_names:
            if name.startswith(groupname):
    // groups are categorical annotation for rows of X
    ddata["rowcat"] = {"groups": groups}
    // add additional metadata for the groups, we want them to be ordered
    // and we want custom colors for each group
    ddata["groups_names"] = groups_names    
    ddata["groups_colors"] = ["//D7A83E", "/ǝAAE5D", "/릉ABC", "//AF353A", "/�"]

After Change

    adata.var["xroot"] = adata.X[iroot, :]
    // defne cell type labels
    cell_types = ["HF", "NP", "PS", "4SG", "4SFG"]
    adata.smp["cell_type"] = [
        next(t for t in cell_types if n.startswith(t))
        for n in adata.smp_names]

    // custom colors according to Moignard et al. (2015) experimental cell groups
    adata.vis["cell_type"] = OrderedDict(zip(
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 8


Project Name: theislab/scanpy
Commit Name: 315859c5586116434ea3b7ce97512a5e2a1030e2
Time: 2017-02-06
Author: flying-sheep@web.de
File Name: scanpy/exs/builtin.py
Class Name:
Method Name: moignard15_raw

Project Name: rail-berkeley/softlearning
Commit Name: 5c6c420783b95425cef7648a589785d3ab668b5c
Time: 2018-05-22
Author: kristian.hartikainen@gmail.com
File Name: examples/mujoco_all_sac_lsp.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: theislab/scanpy
Commit Name: 49899ef69309d2a0ab6ad785f455eb53a8443a06
Time: 2017-02-08
Author: f.alex.wolf@gmx.de
File Name: scanpy/exs/builtin.py
Class Name:
Method Name: moignard15_raw