channsForSegmentsPerPathToReturn = [[] for i in range(
cnn3d.getNumPathwaysThatRequireInput())] // [pathway, image parts, channels, r, c, z]
// RCZ dims of input to primary pathway (NORMAL). Which should be the first one in .pathways.
dimsOfPrimarySegment = cnn3d.pathways[0].getShapeOfInput("test")[2:]
for segment_i in range(numberOfSegmentsToExtract):
rLowBoundary = sliceCoordsOfSegmentsToExtract[segment_i][0][0]
rFarBoundary = sliceCoordsOfSegmentsToExtract[segment_i][0][1]
After Change
channsForSegmentsPerPathToReturn = [[] for i in range(
cnn3d.getNumPathwaysThatRequireInput())] // [pathway, image parts, channels, r, c, z]
// RCZ dims of input to primary pathway (NORMAL). Which should be the first one in .pathways.
dimsOfPrimarySegment = cnn3d.get_inp_shape_of_path(0, "test")
for segment_i in range(numberOfSegmentsToExtract):
rLowBoundary = sliceCoordsOfSegmentsToExtract[segment_i][0][0]
rFarBoundary = sliceCoordsOfSegmentsToExtract[segment_i][0][1]