
Before Change

  numerical_vocab_stats = {}

  for col_schema in schema:
    col_name = col_schema["name"]
    col_type = col_schema["type"].lower()
    transform = features[col_name]["transform"]

    // Map the target transfrom into one_hot or identity.
    if transform == constant.TARGET_TRANSFORM:
      if col_type == constant.STRING_SCHEMA:
        transform = constant.ONE_HOT_TRANSFORM
      elif col_type in constant.NUMERIC_SCHEMA:
        transform = constant.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM
        raise ValueError("Unknown schema type")

    if transform in (constant.TEXT_TRANSFORMS + constant.CATEGORICAL_TRANSFORMS):
      if transform in constant.TEXT_TRANSFORMS:
        // Split strings on space, then extract labels and how many rows each
        // token is in. This is done by making two temp tables:
        //   SplitTable: each text row is made into an array of strings. The
        //       array may contain repeat tokens
        //   TokenTable: SplitTable with repeated tokens removed per row.
        // Then to flatten the arrays, TokenTable has to be joined with itself.
        // See the sections "Flattening Arrays" and "Filtering Arrays" at
        // https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/arrays
        sql = ("WITH SplitTable AS "
               "         (SELECT SPLIT({name}, \" \") as token_array FROM {table}), "
               "     TokenTable AS "
               "         (SELECT ARRAY(SELECT DISTINCT x "
               "                       FROM UNNEST(token_array) AS x) AS unique_tokens_per_row "
               "          FROM SplitTable) "
               "SELECT token, COUNT(token) as token_count "
               "FROM TokenTable "
               "CROSS JOIN UNNEST(TokenTable.unique_tokens_per_row) as token "
               "WHERE LENGTH(token) > 0 "
               "GROUP BY token "
               "ORDER BY token_count DESC, token ASC").format(name=col_name,
        // Extract label and frequency
        sql = ("SELECT {name} as token, count(*) as count "
               "FROM {table} "
               "WHERE {name} IS NOT NULL "
               "GROUP BY {name} "
               "ORDER BY count DESC, token ASC").format(name=col_name,

      df = _execute_sql(sql, table)

      // Save the vocab
      string_buff = six.StringIO()
      df.to_csv(string_buff, index=False, header=False)
          os.path.join(output_dir, constant.VOCAB_ANALYSIS_FILE % col_name),
      numerical_vocab_stats[col_name] = {"vocab_size": len(df)}

      // free memeory
      del string_buff
      del df
    elif transform in constant.NUMERIC_TRANSFORMS:
      // get min/max/average
      sql = ("SELECT max({name}) as max_value, min({name}) as min_value, "
             "avg({name}) as avg_value from {table}").format(name=col_name,
      df = _execute_sql(sql, table)
      numerical_vocab_stats[col_name] = {"min": df.iloc[0]["min_value"],
                                         "max": df.iloc[0]["max_value"],
                                         "mean": df.iloc[0]["avg_value"]}
    elif transform == constant.IMAGE_TRANSFORM:
    elif transform == constant.KEY_TRANSFORM:
      raise ValueError("Unknown transform %s" % transform)

  // get num examples
  sql = "SELECT count(*) as num_examples from {table}".format(table=table_name)
  df = _execute_sql(sql, table)
  num_examples = df.iloc[0]["num_examples"]

After Change

  // Make a copy of inverted_features and update the target transform to be
  // identity or one hot depending on the schema.
  inverted_features_target = copy.deepcopy(inverted_features)
  for name, transform_set in six.iteritems(inverted_features_target):
    if transform_set == set([constant.TARGET_TRANSFORM]):
      target_schema = next(col["type"].lower() for col in schema if col["name"] == name)
      if target_schema in constant.NUMERIC_SCHEMA:
        inverted_features_target[name] = {constant.IDENTITY_TRANSFORM}
        inverted_features_target[name] = {constant.ONE_HOT_TRANSFORM}

  numerical_vocab_stats = {}
  for col_name, transform_set in six.iteritems(inverted_features_target):
    // All transforms in transform_set require the same analysis. So look
    // at the first transform.
    transform_name = next(iter(transform_set))
    if (transform_name in constant.CATEGORICAL_TRANSFORMS or
       transform_name in constant.TEXT_TRANSFORMS):
      if transform_name in constant.TEXT_TRANSFORMS:
        // Split strings on space, then extract labels and how many rows each
        // token is in. This is done by making two temp tables:
        //   SplitTable: each text row is made into an array of strings. The
        //       array may contain repeat tokens
        //   TokenTable: SplitTable with repeated tokens removed per row.
        // Then to flatten the arrays, TokenTable has to be joined with itself.
        // See the sections "Flattening Arrays" and "Filtering Arrays" at
        // https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/arrays
        sql = ("WITH SplitTable AS "
               "         (SELECT SPLIT({name}, \" \") as token_array FROM {table}), "
               "     TokenTable AS "
               "         (SELECT ARRAY(SELECT DISTINCT x "
               "                       FROM UNNEST(token_array) AS x) AS unique_tokens_per_row "
               "          FROM SplitTable) "
               "SELECT token, COUNT(token) as token_count "
               "FROM TokenTable "
               "CROSS JOIN UNNEST(TokenTable.unique_tokens_per_row) as token "
               "WHERE LENGTH(token) > 0 "
               "GROUP BY token "
               "ORDER BY token_count DESC, token ASC").format(name=col_name,
        // Extract label and frequency
        sql = ("SELECT {name} as token, count(*) as count "
               "FROM {table} "
               "WHERE {name} IS NOT NULL "
               "GROUP BY {name} "
               "ORDER BY count DESC, token ASC").format(name=col_name,

      df = _execute_sql(sql, table)

      // Save the vocab
      string_buff = six.StringIO()
      df.to_csv(string_buff, index=False, header=False)
          os.path.join(output_dir, constant.VOCAB_ANALYSIS_FILE % col_name),
      numerical_vocab_stats[col_name] = {"vocab_size": len(df)}

      // free memeory
      del string_buff
      del df
    elif transform_name in constant.NUMERIC_TRANSFORMS:
      // get min/max/average
      sql = ("SELECT max({name}) as max_value, min({name}) as min_value, "
             "avg({name}) as avg_value from {table}").format(name=col_name,
      df = _execute_sql(sql, table)
      numerical_vocab_stats[col_name] = {"min": df.iloc[0]["min_value"],
                                         "max": df.iloc[0]["max_value"],
                                         "mean": df.iloc[0]["avg_value"]}

  // get num examples
  sql = "SELECT count(*) as num_examples from {table}".format(table=table_name)
  df = _execute_sql(sql, table)
  num_examples = df.iloc[0]["num_examples"]
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 9


Project Name: googledatalab/pydatalab
Commit Name: 5b48f9a9c097d26d395873044ceaa1a0b886682a
Time: 2017-06-14
Author: brandondutra@google.com
File Name: solutionbox/code_free_ml/mltoolbox/code_free_ml/analyze.py
Class Name:
Method Name: run_cloud_analysis

Project Name: drckf/paysage
Commit Name: 2921cade4187f926f89b35a4f56a9cb54fa2e2f3
Time: 2017-03-17
Author: charleskennethfisher@gmail.com
File Name: paysage/optimizers.py
Class Name: RMSProp
Method Name: update

Project Name: googledatalab/pydatalab
Commit Name: 5b48f9a9c097d26d395873044ceaa1a0b886682a
Time: 2017-06-14
Author: brandondutra@google.com
File Name: solutionbox/code_free_ml/mltoolbox/code_free_ml/analyze.py
Class Name:
Method Name: run_local_analysis