
Before Change

                else _x[0]

        assert isinstance(x, list), "Input features must be a list"
        assert (
            len(x) == self.n_layers + 1 > 1
        ), "Length of input features should match the number of GraphSAGE layers"

After Change


        // Form GraphSAGE layers iteratively
        self.layer_tensors = []
        h_layer = xin
        for layer in range(0, self.n_layers):
            h_layer = apply_layer(h_layer, layer)

        return (
            if len(h_layer) == 1
            else [self._normalization(xi) for xi in h_layer]
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 9


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Time: 2019-01-09
Author: andrew.docherty@data61.csiro.au
File Name: stellargraph/layer/graphsage.py
Class Name: GraphSAGE
Method Name: __call__

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Time: 2020-04-21
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Project Name: ilastik/ilastik
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Time: 2012-09-13
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