
Before Change

            batch (int tensor, (n_nodes)): The batch each new node
                is part of.
        x = x / unpool_info.new_nodes_edge_scores[:, None]
        new_x = x[unpool_info.old_to_new_node_idx]
        return new_x, unpool_info.edge_index, unpool_info.batch

    def __repr__(self):

After Change

            batch (LongTensor): The new batch vector.

        new_x = x / unpool_info.new_edge_score.view(-1, 1)
        new_x = new_x[unpool_info.cluster]
        return new_x, unpool_info.edge_index, unpool_info.batch

    def __repr__(self):
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 7


Project Name: rusty1s/pytorch_geometric
Commit Name: 2dd4aa0abf65eb0793e007dacba8a32555a73345
Time: 2019-07-16
Author: matthias.fey@tu-dortmund.de
File Name: torch_geometric/nn/pool/edge_pool.py
Class Name: EdgePooling
Method Name: unpool

Project Name: SeanNaren/deepspeech.pytorch
Commit Name: e7b459de1cdabcbf13d1fd3469ef6c652a492079
Time: 2018-07-12
Author: sean.narenthiran@digitalreasoning.com
File Name: model.py
Class Name: BatchRNN
Method Name: forward

Project Name: open-mmlab/mmdetection
Commit Name: 60312064e4d7eb62470977bffff75c46f4080a22
Time: 2021-01-24
Author: xvjiarui0826@gmail.com
File Name: mmdet/core/post_processing/bbox_nms.py
Class Name:
Method Name: multiclass_nms