
Before Change

travis = os.environ.get("TESTING_ON_TRAVIS", "false").lower() == "true"

// Do not test on travis because they hate MPL
if not travis:

    // Only do this setup if we are not running on Travis CI.
    from matplotlib.pyplot import savefig
    from matplotlib.testing.exceptions import ImageComparisonFailure
    import matplotlib._png as _png

    test_images_input_path = \
        os.path.join("pmdarima", "arima", "tests", "input_images")
    test_images_output_path = \
        test_images_input_path.replace("input_images", "output_images")

    def calculate_rms(expected_image, actual_image):
        Compare two images

        Calculate the per-pixel errors, then compute the RMSE.

        expected_image : np.ndarray
            Singed integer representation of expected image

        actual_image : np.ndarray
            Signed integer representation of actual/generated image.

        rms: float
            RMSE of the the two images.

        .. [1] Matplotlib"s : matplotlib.testing.compare.calculate_rms
        if expected_image.shape != actual_image.shape:
            raise ImageComparisonFailure(
                "Image sizes do not match expected size: {} "
                "actual size {}".format(expected_image.shape,

        // Convert to float to avoid overflowing finite integer types.
        return np.sqrt(((expected_image - actual_image).astype(float) ** 2)

    def format_error_message(rms, expected, actual, tol):
        results = dict(rms=rms, expected=str(expected),
                       actual=str(actual), tol=tol)

        // Then the results should be a string suitable for stdout.
        template = ["Error: Image files did not match.",
                    "RMS Value: {rms}",
                    "Expected:  \n    {expected}",
                    "Actual:    \n    {actual}",
                    "Tolerance: \n    {tol}", ]
        str_res = "\n  ".join([line.format(**results) for line in template])
        return str_res

    def compare_images(expected, actual, tol):
        Compare two image files.

        Compare two "image" files checking differences within a tolerance.
        The two given filenames may point to files which are convertible to
        PNG via the `.converter` dictionary. The underlying RMS is calculated
        with the `.calculate_rms` function.

        expected : str
            The filename of the expected image.

        actual : str
            The filename of the actual image.

        tol : float
            The tolerance (a color value difference, where 255 is the
            maximal difference).  The test fails if the average pixel
            difference is greater than this value.

        comparison_result : None or raises
            Return ``None`` if the images are equal within the given tolerance.
            Otherwise raises a dict with the following contents:

            - ``rms``: The RMS of the image difference.
            - ``expected``: The filename of the expected image.
            - ``actual``: The filename of the actual image.
            - ``diff_image``: The filename of the difference image.
            - ``tol``: The comparison tolerance.

        .. [1] Matplotlib"s : matplotlib.testing.compare.compare_images
        // These are coverage issues:
        // if not os.path.exists(actual):
        //     raise Exception("Output image %s does not exist." % actual)
        // if os.stat(actual).st_size == 0:
        //     raise Exception("Output image file %s is empty." % actual)
        // if not os.path.exists(expected):
        //     raise IOError("Baseline image %r does not exist." % expected)
        // assert os.path.exists(actual)
        // assert os.stat(actual).st_size > 0
        // assert os.path.exists(expected)

        // open the image files and remove the alpha channel (if it exists)
        expected_image = _png.read_png_int(expected)
        actual_image = _png.read_png_int(actual)
        expected_image = expected_image[:, :, :3]
        actual_image = actual_image[:, :, :3]

        if tol <= 0:
            if np.array_equal(expected_image, actual_image):
                return None

        // convert to signed integers,
        // so that the images can be subtracted without overflow
        expected_image = expected_image.astype(np.int16)
        actual_image = actual_image.astype(np.int16)

        rms = calculate_rms(expected_image, actual_image)
        if rms <= tol:
            return None
        // implicit "else"
        raise AssertionError(format_error_message(rms, expected, actual, tol))

    def test_calculate_rms():
        // This is a meta test used to ensure we get the expected exception
        // from our helper function
        with pytest.raises(ImageComparisonFailure):
            calculate_rms(np.random.rand(5, 4), np.random.rand(4, 5))

    def test_format_error_message():
        // Another meta test of our helper function. I don"t love that we"re
        // even having to do this, but we should at least make sure our new
        // functions introduce new breakage points
        rms = 0.5
        expected = "fake_file.png"
        actual = "actual_file.png"
        tol = 10
        format_error_message(rms, expected, actual, tol)

        // We"re not going to test for string equality, because that"s silly
        // in this case. But at least we showed it didn"t break anything...

        "model_type,model", [
            pytest.param("arma", ARIMA(order=(1, 0, 0))),
            pytest.param("arima", ARIMA(order=(1, 1, 0))),
            pytest.param("sarimax", ARIMA(order=(1, 1, 0),
                                          seasonal_order=(1, 0, 0, 12)))
    def test_plot_diagnostics(model_type, model):
            safe_mkdirs(test_images_output_path)  // Passes even if present

            // TODO: @charlesdrotar, these will change if arima code changes
            expected = \

            actual = \
            model.plot_diagnostics(figsize=(15, 12))
            compare_images(expected, actual, tol=10)

After Change

travis = os.environ.get("TESTING_ON_TRAVIS", "false").lower() == "true"

// Do not test on travis because they hate MPL
if not travis:

    // base images are created on Mac/Darwin. Windows needs a higher tolerance
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        tolerance = 10
        tolerance = 5

        "model_type,model", [
            pytest.param("arma", ARIMA(order=(1, 0, 0))),
            pytest.param("arima", ARIMA(order=(1, 1, 0))),
            pytest.param("sarimax", ARIMA(order=(1, 1, 0),
                                          seasonal_order=(1, 0, 0, 12)))
    def test_plot_diagnostics(model_type, model):
        return model.plot_diagnostics(figsize=(15, 12))
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 5

Non-data size: 6


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