
Before Change

  def select_best_url(self, remote_spec):
    urls = remote_spec.split("|")
    if len(urls) == 1:
      return urls[0]  // No need to ping if we only have one option anyway.
    netlocs = map(lambda url: urlparse.urlparse(url)[1], urls)
    pingtimes = self._pinger.pings(netlocs)  // List of pairs (host, time in ms).
    self._log.debug("Artifact cache server ping times: {}"
                    .format(", ".join(["{}: {:.6f} secs".format(*p) for p in pingtimes])))
    argmin = min(range(len(pingtimes)), key=lambda i: pingtimes[i][1])
    best_url = urls[argmin]
    if pingtimes[argmin][1] == Pinger.UNREACHABLE:
      return None  // No reachable artifact caches.
    self._log.debug("Best artifact cache is {0}".format(best_url))

After Change

  def select_best_url(self, remote_spec):
    urls = remote_spec.split("|")
    netloc_to_url = {urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc: url for url in urls}
    pingtimes = self._pinger.pings(netloc_to_url.keys())  // List of pairs (host, time in ms).
    self._log.debug("Artifact cache server ping times: {}"
                    .format(", ".join(["{}: {:.6f} secs".format(*p) for p in pingtimes])))
    best_url, ping_time = min(pingtimes, key=lambda t: t[1])
    if ping_time == Pinger.UNREACHABLE:
      self._log.warn("No reachable artifact caches.")
      return None
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 8


Project Name: pantsbuild/pants
Commit Name: 0c099396ea3f96919b3e613b16b399516e446c16
Time: 2015-10-05
Author: tansy.arron@gmail.com
File Name: src/python/pants/cache/cache_setup.py
Class Name: CacheFactory
Method Name: select_best_url

Project Name: pfnet/optuna
Commit Name: d5d2a849496362535ceaeef92aff9bec4e2edeba
Time: 2020-04-30
Author: ytsmiling@gmail.com
File Name: optuna/storages/in_memory.py
Class Name: InMemoryStorage
Method Name: get_all_study_summaries

Project Name: pfnet/optuna
Commit Name: 26453d58671e01410b22287a723f76d6bb98803f
Time: 2020-05-11
Author: ytsmiling@gmail.com
File Name: optuna/storages/in_memory.py
Class Name: InMemoryStorage
Method Name: get_all_study_summaries