
Before Change

    operators = relationship("UtilityEIA923", back_populates="utility_pudl")
    respondents = relationship("UtilityFERC1", back_populates="utility_pudl")
    plants = relationship("UtilityPlantAssn", back_populates="utilities")

    def __repr__(self):
        Print out a string representation of the Utility.
        return "<Utility(id={}, name="{}")>".format(self.id, self.name)

After Change


    __tablename__ = "utilities"
    __table_args__ = ({"comment": "Home table for PUDL assigned utility IDs. These IDs are manually generated each year when new FERC and EIA reporting is integrated, and any newly found utilities are added to the list with a new ID. Each ID maps to a power plant owning or operating entity which is reported in at least one FERC or EIA data set. This table is read in from a spreadsheet stored in the PUDL repository: results/id_mapping/mapping_eia923_ferc1.xlsx"})
    id = Column(
        comment="A manually assigned PUDL utility ID. Should probably be constant over time."
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: catalyst-cooperative/pudl
Commit Name: 8ab31ccce5629d57ad6ca671a90c39d54fdda568
Time: 2019-01-02
Author: cgosnell@catalyst.coop
File Name: pudl/models/glue.py
Class Name: Utility
Method Name: Utility_1

Project Name: catalyst-cooperative/pudl
Commit Name: 8ab31ccce5629d57ad6ca671a90c39d54fdda568
Time: 2019-01-02
Author: cgosnell@catalyst.coop
File Name: pudl/models/glue.py
Class Name: PlantFERC1
Method Name: PlantFERC1_1

Project Name: catalyst-cooperative/pudl
Commit Name: 8ab31ccce5629d57ad6ca671a90c39d54fdda568
Time: 2019-01-02
Author: cgosnell@catalyst.coop
File Name: pudl/models/glue.py
Class Name: UtilityFERC1
Method Name: UtilityFERC1_1

Project Name: catalyst-cooperative/pudl
Commit Name: 8ab31ccce5629d57ad6ca671a90c39d54fdda568
Time: 2019-01-02
Author: cgosnell@catalyst.coop
File Name: pudl/models/glue.py
Class Name: Plant
Method Name: Plant_1