
Before Change


        cmd = ["--dev", "install", "user/test"]
        if os.name == "posix":
            SIGINT = signal.SIGINT
        elif os.name == "nt":
            SIGINT = signal.CTRL_C_EVENT
            raise ValueError("Unknown OS type: " + os.name)

        result = self.execute(cmd)

        // was the --dev arg accepted by argparse?
        assert result["return code"] == 0

After Change

        // Wait for some expected text
        expected = b"Please enter the URL"
        response = proc.stdout.read(len(expected))  // blocks if "quilt config" produces too little output.
        assert response == expected

        // Send interrupt, and fetch result
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 8


Project Name: quiltdata/quilt
Commit Name: f13d2131c02c6a006a44400850d811c133e3e737
Time: 2018-03-13
Author: aeon.descriptor@gmail.com
File Name: compiler/quilt/test/test_cli.py
Class Name: TestCLI
Method Name: test_cli_option_dev_flag

Project Name: tensorflow/datasets
Commit Name: a30c31849a1ce6791ad201f09507c2f2dfe6db27
Time: 2018-11-08
Author: pierrot@google.com
File Name: tensorflow_datasets/core/features/image_feature.py
Class Name: Image
Method Name: encode_sample

Project Name: quiltdata/quilt
Commit Name: f13d2131c02c6a006a44400850d811c133e3e737
Time: 2018-03-13
Author: aeon.descriptor@gmail.com
File Name: compiler/quilt/test/test_cli.py
Class Name: TestCLI
Method Name: test_cli_option_dev_flag

Project Name: pyinstaller/pyinstaller
Commit Name: ecfd707efe65bd139ebac390a8f2140166170652
Time: 2014-10-12
Author: mzibr.public@gmail.com
File Name: PyInstaller/lib/macholib/MachO.py
Class Name: MachOHeader
Method Name: load