Before Change
raise RuntimeError("Requested dimension, but the dimension depends on the singular values of C00 and C11"
" and the transformer has not yet been estimated. Call estimate() before.")
if isinstance(self.dim, float):
if hasattr(self, "cumvar") and self.cumvar is not None:
return np.count_nonzero(self.cumvar >= self.dim)
raise RuntimeError("Requested dimension, but the dimension depends on the cumulative variance and the "
"transformer has not yet been estimated. Call estimate() before.")
if hasattr(self, "_rank0"):
return np.min([self._rank0, self._rankt, self.dim])
After Change
def dimension(self):
output dimension
if self.C00 is None: // no data yet
if isinstance(self.dim, int): // return user choice
warnings.warn("Returning user-input for dimension, since this model has not yet been estimated.")
return self.dim
raise RuntimeError("Please call set_model_params prior using this method.")
if not self._svd_performed:
return self._dimension(self._rank0, self._rankt, self.dim, self.singular_values)

Frequency: 5
Non-data size: 7
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Method Name: dimension
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Class Name:
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