
Before Change

        Generate a list of layers for the feature image produced by the given slot.
        with Tracer(traceLogger):
            layers = []
            channelAxis = inputSlot.meta.axistags.channelIndex
            assert channelAxis == featureSlot.meta.axistags.channelIndex
            numInputChannels = inputSlot.shape[channelAxis]
            numFeatureChannels = featureSlot.shape[channelAxis]

            // Determine how many channels this feature has (up to 3)
            featureChannelsPerInputChannel = numFeatureChannels / numInputChannels
            assert 0 < featureChannelsPerInputChannel <= 3, "The feature selection Gui does not yet support features with more than three channels per input channel." 

            for inputChannel in range(numInputChannels):
                // Determine the name for this feature
                featureName = featureSlot.meta.description
                assert featureName is not None
                if 2 <= numInputChannels <= 3:
                    channelNames = ["R", "G", "B"]
                    featureName += " (" + channelNames[inputChannel] + ")"
                if numInputChannels > 3:
                    featureName += " (Ch. {})".format(inputChannel)

                opSubRegion = OpSubRegion(graph=self.mainOperator.graph)
                opSubRegion.Input.connect( featureSlot )
                start = [0] * len(featureSlot.meta.shape)
                start[channelAxis] = inputChannel * featureChannelsPerInputChannel
                stop = list(featureSlot.meta.shape)
                stop[channelAxis] = (inputChannel+1) * featureChannelsPerInputChannel
                opSubRegion.Start.setValue( tuple(start) )
                opSubRegion.Stop.setValue( tuple(stop) )
                featureLayer = self.createStandardLayerFromSlot( opSubRegion.Output )
                featureLayer.visible = False
                featureLayer.opacity = 1.0
                featureLayer.name = featureName

            return layers

    def initFeatureDlg(self):
        Initialize the feature selection widget.

After Change

        layers = []
        channelAxis = inputSlot.meta.axistags.channelIndex
        assert channelAxis == featureSlot.meta.axistags.channelIndex
        numInputChannels = inputSlot.shape[channelAxis]
        numFeatureChannels = featureSlot.shape[channelAxis]

        // Determine how many channels this feature has (up to 3)
        featureChannelsPerInputChannel = numFeatureChannels / numInputChannels
        assert 0 < featureChannelsPerInputChannel <= 3, "The feature selection Gui does not yet support features with more than three channels per input channel." 

        for inputChannel in range(numInputChannels):
            // Determine the name for this feature
            featureName = featureSlot.meta.description
            assert featureName is not None
            if 2 <= numInputChannels <= 3:
                channelNames = ["R", "G", "B"]
                featureName += " (" + channelNames[inputChannel] + ")"
            if numInputChannels > 3:
                featureName += " (Ch. {})".format(inputChannel)

            opSubRegion = OpSubRegion(graph=self.mainOperator.graph)
            opSubRegion.Input.connect( featureSlot )
            start = [0] * len(featureSlot.meta.shape)
            start[channelAxis] = inputChannel * featureChannelsPerInputChannel
            stop = list(featureSlot.meta.shape)
            stop[channelAxis] = (inputChannel+1) * featureChannelsPerInputChannel
            opSubRegion.Start.setValue( tuple(start) )
            opSubRegion.Stop.setValue( tuple(stop) )
            featureLayer = self.createStandardLayerFromSlot( opSubRegion.Output )
            featureLayer.visible = False
            featureLayer.opacity = 1.0
            featureLayer.name = featureName

        return layers

    def initFeatureDlg(self):
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 9


Project Name: ilastik/ilastik
Commit Name: 7c1ac157d5bc84fe79799611abf471cc67ff5fd5
Time: 2012-08-21
Author: bergs@janelia.hhmi.org
File Name: ilastik/applets/featureSelection/featureSelectionGui.py
Class Name: FeatureSelectionGui
Method Name: getFeatureLayers

Project Name: ilastik/ilastik
Commit Name: bbb5b24cf34e7db041aec13973e5a795313f1116
Time: 2013-03-08
Author: bergs@janelia.hhmi.org
File Name: ilastik/applets/dataSelection/dataSelectionSerializer.py
Class Name: DataSelectionSerializer
Method Name: _deserializeFromHdf5

Project Name: ilastik/ilastik
Commit Name: bbb5b24cf34e7db041aec13973e5a795313f1116
Time: 2013-03-08
Author: bergs@janelia.hhmi.org
File Name: ilastik/applets/dataSelection/dataSelectionSerializer.py
Class Name: DataSelectionSerializer
Method Name: _serializeToHdf5