
Before Change

long as we don"t forget to specify the coordinate system.

voxel_size = trackvis_header["voxel_size"]
dm_using_voxel_size = utils.density_map(lr_sf_trk, shape, voxel_size=voxel_size)
assert np.all(dm == dm_using_voxel_size)

We can also use the affine to specify the coordinate system, we just have
to be careful to build the right affine. Here"s how you can build an affine for
"trackvis space" coordinates.

affine = np.eye(4)
affine[[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]] = voxel_size
affine[:3, 3] = voxel_size / 2.

dm_using_affine = utils.density_map(lr_sf_trk, shape, affine=affine)
assert np.all(dm == dm_using_affine)

After Change

streamline_generator = EuDX(csapeaks.peak_values, csapeaks.peak_indices,
                            a_low=.05, step_sz=.5, seeds=seeds)
affine = streamline_generator.affine
streamlines = list(streamline_generator)

The first of the tracking utilities we"ll cover here is ``target``. This
function takes a set of streamlines and a region of interest (ROI) and returns
only those streamlines that pass though the ROI. The ROI should be an array
such that the voxels that belong to the ROI are ``True`` and all other voxels
are ``False`` (this type of binary array is sometimes called a mask). This
function can also exclude all the streamlines that pass though an ROI by
setting the ``include`` flag to ``False``. In this example we"ll target the
streamlines of the corpus callosum. Our ``labels`` array has a sagittal slice
of the corpus callosum identified by the label value 2. We"ll create an ROI
mask from that label and create two sets of streamlines, those that intersect
with the ROI and those that don"t.

cc_slice = labels == 2
cc_streamlines = utils.target(streamlines, cc_slice, affine=affine)
cc_streamlines = list(cc_streamlines)

other_streamlines = utils.target(streamlines, cc_slice, affine=affine,
other_streamlines = list(other_streamlines)
assert len(other_streamlines) + len(cc_streamlines) == len(streamlines)

We can use some of dipy"s visualization tools to display the ROI we targeted
above and all the streamlines that pass though that ROI. The ROI is the yellow
region near the center of the axial image.

from dipy.viz import fvtk
from dipy.viz.colormap import line_colors

// Make display objects
color = line_colors(cc_streamlines)
cc_streamlines_actor = fvtk.line(cc_streamlines, line_colors(cc_streamlines))
cc_ROI_actor = fvtk.contour(cc_slice, levels=[1], colors=[(1., 1., 0.)],

// Add display objects to canvas
r = fvtk.ren()
fvtk.add(r, cc_streamlines_actor)
fvtk.add(r, cc_ROI_actor)

// Save figures
fvtk.record(r, n_frames=1, out_path="corpuscallosum_axial.png",
            size=(800, 800))
fvtk.camera(r, [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], viewup=[0, 0, 1])
fvtk.record(r, n_frames=1, out_path="corpuscallosum_sagittal.png",
            size=(800, 800))

.. figure:: corpuscallosum_axial.png
   :align: center

   **Corpus Callosum Axial**

.. include:: ../links_names.inc

.. figure:: corpuscallosum_sagittal.png
   :align: center

   **Corpus Callosum Sagittal**

Once we"ve targeted on the corpus callosum ROI, we might want to find out which
regions of the brain are connected by these streamlines. To do this we can use
the ``connectivity_matrix`` function. This function takes a set of streamlines
and an array of labels as arguments. It returns the number of streamlines that
start and end at each pair of labels and it can return the streamlines grouped
by their endpoints. Notice that this function only considers the endpoints of
each streamline.

M, grouping = utils.connectivity_matrix(cc_streamlines, labels, affine=affine,
M[:3, :] = 0
M[:, :3] = 0

We"ve set ``return_mapping`` and ``mapping_as_streamlines`` to ``True`` so that
``connectivity_matrix`` returns all the streamlines in ``cc_streamlines``
grouped by their endpoint.

Because we"re typically only interested in connections between gray matter
regions, and because the label 0 represents background and the labels 1 and 2
represent white matter, we discard the first three rows and columns of the
connectivity matrix.

We can now display this matrix using matplotlib, we display it using a log
scale to make small values in the matrix easier to see.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.imshow(np.log1p(M), interpolation="nearest")

.. figure:: connectivity.png
   :align: center

   **Connectivity of Corpus Callosum**

.. include:: ../links_names.inc

In our example track there are more streamlines connecting regions 11 and
54 than any other pair of regions. These labels represent the left and right
superior frontal gyrus respectively. These two regions are large, close
together, have lots of corpus callosum fibers and are easy to track so this
result should not be a surprise to anyone.

However, the interpretation of streamline counts can be tricky. The
relationship between the underlying biology and the streamline counts will
depend on several factors, including how the tracking was done, and the correct
way to interpret these kinds of connectivity matrices is still an open question
in the diffusion imaging literature.

The next function we"ll demonstrate is ``density_map``. This function allows
one to represent the spacial distribution of a track by counting the density of
streamlines in each voxel. For example, let"s take the track connecting the
left and right superior frontal gyrus.

lr_superiorfrontal_track = grouping[11, 54]
shape = labels.shape
dm = utils.density_map(lr_superiorfrontal_track, shape, affine=affine)

Let"s save this density map and the streamlines so that they can be
visualized together. In order to save the streamlines in a ".trk" file we"ll
need to move them to "trackvis space", or the representation of streamlines
specified by the trackvis Track File format.

import nibabel as nib

// Save density map
dm_img = nib.Nifti1Image(dm.astype("int16"), hardi_img.get_affine())

// Make a trackvis header so we can save streamlines
voxel_size = labels_img.get_header().get_zooms()
trackvis_header = nib.trackvis.empty_header()
trackvis_header["voxel_size"] = voxel_size
trackvis_header["dim"] = shape
trackvis_header["voxel_order"] = "RAS"

// Move streamlines to "trackvis space"
trackvis_point_space = utils.affine_for_trackvis(voxel_size)
lr_sf_trk = utils.move_streamlines(lr_superiorfrontal_track,
                                   trackvis_point_space, input_space=affine)
lr_sf_trk = list(lr_sf_trk)

// Save streamlines
for_save = [(sl, None, None) for sl in lr_sf_trk]
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 10


Project Name: nipy/dipy
Commit Name: d2d840e663ef14a39ae8ebc4f17400be384a9ade
Time: 2013-12-23
Author: mrbago@gmail.com
File Name: doc/examples/streamline_tools.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: nipy/dipy
Commit Name: 156f9955319ed9383615a7f84e077f10da3bc11a
Time: 2019-07-26
Author: francois.m.rheault@usherbrooke.ca
File Name: dipy/workflows/tracking.py
Class Name: PFTrackingPAMFlow
Method Name: run

Project Name: nipy/dipy
Commit Name: 156f9955319ed9383615a7f84e077f10da3bc11a
Time: 2019-07-26
Author: francois.m.rheault@usherbrooke.ca
File Name: dipy/workflows/tracking.py
Class Name: LocalFiberTrackingPAMFlow
Method Name: _core_run