
Before Change

        if self.timer % 100 == 0:
            for veh_id in self.controlled_ids:
                car_type = self.vehicles[veh_id]["type"]
                newlane = self.scenario.type_params[car_type][2](veh_id, self)
                traci.vehicle.changeLane(veh_id, newlane, 10000)

        if self.timer > self.perturbation_at and self.timer < (self.perturbation_at + self.perturbation_length):
            self.apply_action(self.perturbed_id, self.env_params["max-deacc"])

After Change

            self.perturbed_id = list(self.vehicles.keys())[random.randint(0, len(self.vehicles.keys())-1)]

    def step(self, rl_actions):
        Run one timestep of the environment"s dynamics. "Self-driving cars" will
        step forward based on rl_actions, provided by the RL algorithm. Other cars
        will step forward based on their car following model. When end of episode
        is reached, reset() should be called to reset the environment"s internal state.
        rl_actions : an action provided by the rl algorithm
        (observation, reward, done, info)
        observation : agent"s observation of the current environment
        reward [Float] : amount of reward due to the previous action
        done : a boolean, indicating whether the episode has ended
        info : a dictionary containing other diagnostic information from the previous action
        logging.debug("================= performing step =================")
        for veh_id in self.controlled_ids:
            action = self.vehicles[veh_id]["controller"].get_action(self)
            safe_action = self.vehicles[veh_id]["controller"].get_safe_action(self, action)
            self.apply_action(veh_id, action=safe_action)
            logging.debug("Car with id " + veh_id + " is on route " + str(traci.vehicle.getRouteID(veh_id)))

        for index, veh_id in enumerate(self.rl_ids):
            action = rl_actions[index]
            safe_action = self.vehicles[veh_id]["controller"].get_safe_action(self, action)
            self.apply_action(veh_id, action=safe_action)

        self.timer += 1
        // TODO: Turn 100 into a hyperparameter
        // if it"s been long enough try and change lanes
        if self.timer % 100 == 0:
            for veh_id in self.controlled_ids:
                // car_type = self.vehicles[veh_id]["type"]
                // newlane = self.scenario.type_params[car_type][2](veh_id, self)

                newlane = self.vehicles[veh_id]["lane_changer"].get_action(self)
                traci.vehicle.changeLane(veh_id, newlane, 10000)

        if self.timer > self.perturbation_at and self.timer < (self.perturbation_at + self.perturbation_length):
            self.apply_action(self.perturbed_id, self.env_params["max-deacc"])
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 7


Project Name: flow-project/flow
Commit Name: 53dc6aebbc21d4c938b94bef6a8f51d9966d7ce9
Time: 2017-04-13
Author: nishantkheterpal@gmail.com
File Name: cistar-dev/cistar/envs/loop_with_perturbation.py
Class Name: PerturbationAccelerationLoop
Method Name: step

Project Name: flow-project/flow
Commit Name: be9e9e4bf16174b4f17e2a17987b2f9d8d87e89d
Time: 2017-04-06
Author: kanaadp@gmail.com
File Name: cistar-dev/cistar/envs/loop_with_perturbation.py
Class Name: PerturbationAccelerationLoop
Method Name: step

Project Name: flow-project/flow
Commit Name: 9ebd004ebee525df4e048996946e94fe9bb533ef
Time: 2017-04-06
Author: nishantkheterpal@gmail.com
File Name: cistar-dev/cistar/core/base_env.py
Class Name: SumoEnvironment
Method Name: step