Before Change
D = len(n_mode_dimensions)
(r0, n1, r1) = factors[0].shape
output_tensor = factors[0]
output_tensor = tl.reshape(output_tensor, (n1, r1))
for k in range(1, D):
(r_prev, n_k, r_k) = factors[k].shape
G_k = tl.reshape(factors[k], (r_prev, n_k * r_k))
output_tensor = tl.dot(output_tensor, G_k)
output_tensor = tl.reshape(output_tensor, (-1, r_k))
output_tensor = tl.reshape(output_tensor, n_mode_dimensions)
return output_tensor
def mps_to_unfolded(factors, mode):
Returns the unfolding matrix of a tensor given in MPS format
After Change
output_tensor: ndarray
tensor whose MPS/TT decomposition was given by "factors"
full_shape = [f.shape[1] for f in factors]
full_tensor = tl.reshape(factors[0], (full_shape[0], -1))
for factor in factors[1:]:
rank_prev, _, rank_next = factor.shape
factor = tl.reshape(factor, (rank_prev, -1))
full_tensor = tl.dot(full_tensor, factor)
full_tensor = tl.reshape(full_tensor, (-1, rank_next))
return tl.reshape(full_tensor, full_shape)
def mps_to_unfolded(factors, mode):
Returns the unfolding matrix of a tensor given in MPS (or Tensor-Train) format

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 11
Project Name: tensorly/tensorly
Commit Name: 3dba9054b3c7bf4b9edabb430eb457a07e05b6ca
Time: 2018-07-05
Author: jean.kossaifi@gmail.com
File Name: tensorly/mps_tensor.py
Class Name:
Method Name: mps_to_tensor
Project Name: pymc-devs/pymc3
Commit Name: 7a31475bb139893cd3fd2bd1dbc33d040a0511c8
Time: 2017-05-04
Author: aseyboldt@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: pymc3/distributions/multivariate.py
Class Name: MvNormal
Method Name: _logp_tau
Project Name: pymc-devs/pymc3
Commit Name: 7a31475bb139893cd3fd2bd1dbc33d040a0511c8
Time: 2017-05-04
Author: aseyboldt@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: pymc3/distributions/multivariate.py
Class Name: MvNormal
Method Name: _logp_chol