
Before Change

    if epoch_batches is None:

    return np.mean(train_loss), global_step

  def train_epoch_tfr(self, sess, sum_writer=None, epoch_batches=None):
     Execute one training epoch, using TFRecords data. 

After Change

    // initialize training loss
    train_loss = []
    batch_sizes = []
    global_step = 0

    // setup feed dict
    fd = self.set_mode("train")

    // get first batch
    Xb, Yb, NAb, Nb = batcher.next()

    batch_num = 0
    while Xb is not None and (epoch_batches is None or batch_num < epoch_batches):
      // update feed dict
      fd[self.inputs_ph] = Xb
      fd[self.targets_ph] = Yb

      if no_steps:
        run_returns = sess.run([self.merged_summary, self.loss_train] + \
                                self.update_ops, feed_dict=fd)
        summary, loss_batch = run_returns[:2]
        run_ops = [self.merged_summary, self.loss_train, self.global_step, self.step_op]
        run_ops += self.update_ops
        summary, loss_batch, global_step = sess.run(run_ops, feed_dict=fd)[:3]

      // add summary
      if sum_writer is not None:
        sum_writer.add_summary(summary, global_step)

      // accumulate loss

      // next batch
      Xb, Yb, NAb, Nb = batcher.next()
      batch_num += 1

    // reset training batcher if epoch considered all of the data
    if epoch_batches is None:

    avg_loss = np.average(train_loss, weights=batch_sizes)

    return avg_loss, global_step

  def train_epoch_tfr(self, sess, sum_writer=None, epoch_batches=None):
     Execute one training epoch, using TFRecords data. 
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 10


Project Name: calico/basenji
Commit Name: 8264f081334ce3cea4f5f984317a9f3edfd23a40
Time: 2018-08-12
Author: drk@calicolabs.com
File Name: basenji/seqnn.py
Class Name: SeqNN
Method Name: train_epoch_h5

Project Name: calico/basenji
Commit Name: 8264f081334ce3cea4f5f984317a9f3edfd23a40
Time: 2018-08-12
Author: drk@calicolabs.com
File Name: basenji/seqnn.py
Class Name: SeqNN
Method Name: train_epoch_tfr

Project Name: calico/basenji
Commit Name: 8264f081334ce3cea4f5f984317a9f3edfd23a40
Time: 2018-08-12
Author: drk@calicolabs.com
File Name: basenji/seqnn.py
Class Name: SeqNN
Method Name: train_epoch_h5_manual