Before Change
record_id = Column(String, nullable=False)
report_year = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
authority_company_name = Column(String)
statistical_classification = Column(String)
rate_schedule_tariff_num = Column(String)
avg_billing_demand_mw = Column(String)
avg_monthly_ncp_demand_mw = Column(String)
avg_monthly_cp_demand_mw = Column(String)
After Change
comment="Name of the seller, or the other party in an exchange transaction."
purchase_type = Column(
comment="Categorization based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service. Must be one of "requirements", "long_firm", "intermediate_firm", "short_firm", "long_unit", "intermediate_unit", "exchange", "other_service", or "adjustment". Requirements service is ongoing high reliability service, with load integrated into system resource planning. "Long term" means 5+ years. "Intermediate term" is 1-5 years. "Short term" is less than 1 year. "Firm" means not interruptible for economic reasons. "unit" indicates service from a particular designated generating unit. "exchange" is an in-kind transaction."
tariff = Column(
comment="FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff. (Note: may be incomplete if originally reported on multiple lines.)"

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 9
Project Name: catalyst-cooperative/pudl
Commit Name: b265d972591d4a7127c6818c4fd1099bf3e63a1d
Time: 2018-12-26
Author: zane.selvans@catalyst.coop
File Name: pudl/models/ferc1.py
Class Name: PurchasedPowerFERC1
Method Name: PurchasedPowerFERC1_1
Project Name: catalyst-cooperative/pudl
Commit Name: 3546e2a53f264edaf618aa706c0489ff2331f119
Time: 2018-12-19
Author: zane.selvans@catalyst.coop
File Name: pudl/models/eia923.py
Class Name: CoalMineEIA923
Method Name: CoalMineEIA923_1
Project Name: catalyst-cooperative/pudl
Commit Name: 8ab31ccce5629d57ad6ca671a90c39d54fdda568
Time: 2019-01-02
Author: cgosnell@catalyst.coop
File Name: pudl/models/ferc1.py
Class Name: PurchasedPowerFERC1
Method Name: PurchasedPowerFERC1_1