Before Change
tile_grid_size_px, "tile_grid_size_px", value_range=(0, None),
self.tile_grid_size_px_min = tile_grid_size_px_min
self.per_channel = iap.handle_probability_param(per_channel,
def _augment_batch_(self, batch, random_state, parents, hooks):
if batch.images is None:
return batch
After Change
Exponent for the contrast adjustment. Higher values darken the image.
* If a number, then that value will be used for all images.
* If a tuple ``(a, b)``, then a value from the range ``[a, b]``
will be used per image.
* If a list, then a random value will be sampled from that list
per image.
* If a ``StochasticParameter``, then a value will be sampled per
image from that parameter.

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 6
Project Name: aleju/imgaug
Commit Name: 0db2ef87c3b18aab99e2653369dabaa0f9129f87
Time: 2020-01-25
Author: kontakt@ajung.name
File Name: imgaug/augmenters/contrast.py
Class Name: AllChannelsCLAHE
Method Name: __init__
Project Name: aleju/imgaug
Commit Name: c8c8540ac9d0ea3e3c77ccef2386b47f38dd4fd0
Time: 2020-01-13
Author: kontakt@ajung.name
File Name: imgaug/augmenters/flip.py
Class Name: Flipud
Method Name: __init__
Project Name: aleju/imgaug
Commit Name: 0db2ef87c3b18aab99e2653369dabaa0f9129f87
Time: 2020-01-25
Author: kontakt@ajung.name
File Name: imgaug/augmenters/contrast.py
Class Name: _ContrastFuncWrapper
Method Name: __init__