
Before Change

    //// IN THIS CASE we will have 3 children
    //// TODO: This is to be removed
    size = self._nChildren if self.counter > 1 else self._populationSize
    populationRlz =  xr.concat((rlz for _ in range(size)))//((rlz, rlz, rlz))
    population = xr.DataArray(populationRlz[list(self.toBeSampled)].to_array().transpose(),
                              coords={"chromosome": np.arange(size),
    // TODO: This is to be removed once the rlz is consistent with the expected batch
    for i in range(1,size):
      population[i,:] = randomUtils.randomPermutation(list(population[0,:].data), self)//np.random.choice(population[0,:],len(self.toBeSampled), replace=False)
    //// TODO the whole skeleton should be here, this should be calling all classes and _private methods.
    traj = info["traj"]
    // info["optVal"] = rlz[self._objectiveVar]
    info["step"] = self.counter

After Change

    //   self._submitRun(newRlz, traj, self.getIteration(traj))
    // childrenDict = children.to_dict()
    // newRlz = children.to_dataset(name="data")
    d = {"dims":["chromosome","Gene"],
         "coords":{"chromosome": np.arange(size),
    // newRlz = xr.Dataset.from_dict(d)
    // children.to_dataset(name = "children")
    newRlz = xr.Dataset({("chromosome","Gene"):children.data})
    // newRlz = xr.Dataset(({"chromosome":[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],"Gene":[0,1,2,3,4,5]},children.data))
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 7


Project Name: idaholab/raven
Commit Name: 438b2a63d195c8f5ccecae35d577d8bfde354406
Time: 2020-08-22
Author: mohammad.abdo@inl.gov
File Name: framework/Optimizers/GeneticAlgorithm.py
Class Name: GeneticAlgorithm
Method Name: _useRealization

Project Name: Qiskit/qiskit-aqua
Commit Name: 9907fc0aecba835c529ca7de1f6067eecebbb000
Time: 2020-05-11
Author: jules.gacon@googlemail.com
File Name: test/aqua/test_vqc.py
Class Name: TestVQC
Method Name: setUp

Project Name: ray-project/ray
Commit Name: 57544b1ff9f97d4da9f64d25c8ea5a3d8d247ffc
Time: 2020-05-11
Author: sven@anyscale.io
File Name: rllib/examples/nested_action_spaces.py
Class Name:
Method Name: