
Before Change

                              title="Original image")

        if ndisp == 1:
            layout = [(0, 1)]
        elif ndisp == 2:
            layout = [(1, 0), (0, 1)]
            layout = [(1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)]
        for xy, disp in zip(layout, disp_collection):
            figure.subplot_imshow(xy[0], xy[1], disp[0],
                                  title="%s image" % (disp[1]),
                                  sharexy=figure.subplot(0, 0))

    def prepare_settings(self, setting_values):
        """Prepare the module to receive the settings

        setting_values - one string per setting to be initialized

After Change

        figure.subplot_imshow(0, 0, input_image,
                              title="Original image")
        for eachplot in range(ndisp):
             placenum = eachplot +1
             figure.subplot_imshow(placenum%ncols, placenum/ncols, disp_collection[eachplot][0], 
                                   title="%s" % (disp_collection[eachplot][1]), 
                                   sharexy=figure.subplot(0, 0))

    def prepare_settings(self, setting_values):
        """Prepare the module to receive the settings

        setting_values - one string per setting to be initialized
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 10


Project Name: CellProfiler/CellProfiler
Commit Name: 77bd6e143eaab400f3117519e0178e0a3cba9f7b
Time: 2017-06-03
Author: bethac07@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: cellprofiler/modules/colortogray.py
Class Name: ColorToGray
Method Name: display_split

Project Name: CellProfiler/CellProfiler
Commit Name: 77bd6e143eaab400f3117519e0178e0a3cba9f7b
Time: 2017-06-03
Author: bethac07@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: cellprofiler/modules/colortogray.py
Class Name: ColorToGray
Method Name: display_split

Project Name: flow-project/flow
Commit Name: 67f6d47d9e61f28d455319c868c38fbc11e73366
Time: 2018-02-22
Author: eugenevinitsky@wirelessprvnat-172-16-134-167.near.illinois.edu
File Name: flow/scenarios/bridge_toll/gen.py
Class Name: BBTollGenerator
Method Name: specify_connections

Project Name: flow-project/flow
Commit Name: 4956dc485f78ef2b7c5f4a13f8abb7a24cfbb1bb
Time: 2018-09-16
Author: vinitsky.eugene@gmail.com
File Name: flow/scenarios/highway/gen.py
Class Name: HighwayGenerator
Method Name: specify_nodes