
Before Change

        :return: The output of the embedding stack followed by its reduction.  This will typically be an output
          with an additional dimension which is the hidden representation of the input
        return EmbeddingsStack(embeddings, reduction=kwargs.get("embeddings_reduction", "concat"))

    def init_stacked(self, input_dim: int, **kwargs) -> BaseLayer:
        Produce a stacking operation that will be used in the model

After Change

        :return: The output of the embedding stack followed by its reduction.  This will typically be an output
          with an additional dimension which is the hidden representation of the input
        reduction = kwargs.get("embeddings_reduction", "concat")
        embeddings_dropout = float(kwargs.get("embeddings_dropout", 0.0))
        name = kwargs.get("embeddings_name")
        return EmbeddingsStack(embeddings, embeddings_dropout, reduction=reduction, name=name)

    def init_stacked(self, input_dim: int, **kwargs) -> BaseLayer:
        Produce a stacking operation that will be used in the model
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 10


Project Name: dpressel/mead-baseline
Commit Name: 5dba00c0cb0ae461cc98c5ad98c9ef87624c5ca1
Time: 2020-04-23
Author: dpressel@gmail.com
File Name: baseline/tf/classify/model.py
Class Name: FineTuneModelClassifier
Method Name: init_embed

Project Name: dpressel/mead-baseline
Commit Name: 5dba00c0cb0ae461cc98c5ad98c9ef87624c5ca1
Time: 2020-04-23
Author: dpressel@gmail.com
File Name: baseline/pytorch/classify/model.py
Class Name: FineTuneModelClassifier
Method Name: init_embed

Project Name: dpressel/mead-baseline
Commit Name: 5dba00c0cb0ae461cc98c5ad98c9ef87624c5ca1
Time: 2020-04-23
Author: dpressel@gmail.com
File Name: baseline/pytorch/classify/model.py
Class Name: EmbedPoolStackClassifier
Method Name: init_embed