
Before Change

        operator_parameters = signature(self.preprocess_args).parameters
        param_names = list(operator_parameters.keys())

        for param in param_names:
            annotation = operator_parameters[param].annotation

            // Raise RuntimeError if a type is not annotated
            if annotation == Signature.empty:
                raise RuntimeError("Undocumented argument type for {} in operator {}".
                    format(param, self.sklearn_class.__class__.__name__))

        return_type = Output_DF if self.root else pd.DataFrame

        return (arg_types, return_type)

After Change

            num_args = len(getargspec(self.preprocess_args).args[1:])  // Remove "self"

        // Make sure the class has been written properly
        if num_args != len(self.arg_types):
            raise RuntimeError(("{}"s arg_types does not correspond to the "
                                "arguments defined for itself".format(self.__name__)))

        // First argument is always a DataFrame
        arg_types = [pd.DataFrame] + list(self.arg_types)
        return_type = Output_DF if self.root else pd.DataFrame

        return (arg_types, return_type)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 9


Project Name: EpistasisLab/tpot
Commit Name: 990d954031a1121bc0b9ec1678c0b7db7cfaa374
Time: 2016-07-08
Author: supacoofoo@gmail.com
File Name: tpot/operators/base.py
Class Name: Operator
Method Name: parameter_types

Project Name: vatlab/SoS
Commit Name: 233020f67b2ae917763ecbedab1324390fe47cd1
Time: 2016-10-25
Author: ben.bog@gmail.com
File Name: misc/sos_magic.py
Class Name: SoS_Magics
Method Name: sosdict

Project Name: cornellius-gp/gpytorch
Commit Name: 979b8c9efa551e8c948a4aca145367a2d87ac8d6
Time: 2019-02-26
Author: balandat@fb.com
File Name: gpytorch/distributions/multitask_multivariate_normal.py
Class Name: MultitaskMultivariateNormal
Method Name: rsample