
Before Change

        bayeslite.bayesdb_register_metamodel(bdb, ccme)

        // Read the dataset.
        table_name = "foo"
        bayeslite.bayesdb_read_csv(bdb, table_name, data_csv, header=True,

        // Create schema, we will force  IND(x y), IND(x v), and DEP(z v w).
        bql = """
            CREATE GENERATOR bar FOR foo USING crosscat(

After Change

        bayeslite.bayesdb_register_metamodel(bdb, ccme)

        // Read the dataset.
        bdb.sql_execute("CREATE TABLE foo(x,y,z,v,w)")
        for row in data:
            bdb.sql_execute("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", row)

        // Create schema, we will force  IND(x y), IND(x v), and DEP(z v w).
        bql = """
            CREATE GENERATOR bar FOR foo USING crosscat(
                x NUMERICAL,
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: probcomp/bayeslite
Commit Name: 60bbffbbf2b61a09ee25ae6a7a42e29c26904b23
Time: 2015-08-26
Author: fsaad@mit.edu
File Name: tests/test_column_dep.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_complex_dependencies

Project Name: probcomp/bayeslite
Commit Name: c5a636f37759e2a7aced9aabcb97b1d9a806f9e0
Time: 2015-08-26
Author: riastradh+probcomp@csail.mit.edu
File Name: tests/test_column_dep.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_impossible_duplicate_dependency

Project Name: probcomp/bayeslite
Commit Name: 60bbffbbf2b61a09ee25ae6a7a42e29c26904b23
Time: 2015-08-26
Author: fsaad@mit.edu
File Name: tests/test_column_dep.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_complex_dependencies

Project Name: probcomp/bayeslite
Commit Name: c5a636f37759e2a7aced9aabcb97b1d9a806f9e0
Time: 2015-08-26
Author: riastradh+probcomp@csail.mit.edu
File Name: tests/test_column_dep.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_impossible_nontransitive_dependency