Before Change
elif type(Bc) == int and (len(A.shape), Bc) in translate_sizes:
Bc = translate_sizes[len(A.shape),Bc]
elif type(Bc) != int:
if len(A.shape) != len(Bc.shape):
raise ValueError("morph.get_structuring_elem: Bc does not have the correct number of dimensions.")
Bc = np.asanyarray(Bc, A.dtype)
if not Bc.flags.contiguous:
return Bc.copy()
return Bc
After Change
elif type(Bc) == int and (len(A.shape), Bc) in translate_sizes:
Bc = translate_sizes[len(A.shape),Bc]
elif type(Bc) != int:
if A.ndim != Bc.ndim:
raise ValueError("morph.get_structuring_elem: Bc does not have the correct number of dimensions. [array has {} coordinates; Bc has {}.]".format(A.ndim, Bc.ndim))
Bc = np.asanyarray(Bc, A.dtype)
if not Bc.flags.contiguous:
return Bc.copy()
return Bc

Frequency: 4
Non-data size: 10
Project Name: luispedro/mahotas
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Time: 2013-11-26
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File Name: mahotas/morph.py
Class Name:
Method Name: get_structuring_elem
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Time: 2017-03-21
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File Name: kur/backend/keras_backend.py
Class Name: KerasBackend
Method Name: _restore_keras
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Time: 2017-07-31
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File Name: inferno/callbacks.py
Class Name: BestLoss
Method Name: initialize
Project Name: dnouri/skorch
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Time: 2017-07-19
Author: benjamin.bossan@ottogroup.com
File Name: inferno/net.py
Class Name: NeuralNet
Method Name: initialize_callbacks