
Before Change

        // argument, so unpack them
        if h is None:
            w, h = w
        if not all(np.isfinite(_) for _ in (w, h)):
            raise ValueError("figure size must be finite not "
                             "({}, {})".format(w, h))
        self.bbox_inches.p1 = w, h

        if forward:
            canvas = getattr(self, "canvas")

After Change

        if h is None:
            w, h = w
        size = w, h
        if not np.isfinite(size).all() or (np.array(size) <= 0).any():
            raise ValueError(f"figure size must be positive finite not {size}")
        self.bbox_inches.p1 = w, h

        if forward:
            canvas = getattr(self, "canvas")
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 12


Project Name: matplotlib/matplotlib
Commit Name: da83457d51b516d036b3373c6805443f76185451
Time: 2019-04-03
Author: 2836374+timhoffm@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: lib/matplotlib/figure.py
Class Name: Figure
Method Name: set_size_inches

Project Name: stanford-mast/nn_dataflow
Commit Name: ef4353bd24b9d781c2dfa9cd2146d9b87e63b6f1
Time: 2017-05-01
Author: mgao12@stanford.edu
File Name: nn_dataflow/Scheduling.py
Class Name: Scheduling
Method Name: schedule_search

Project Name: tensorflow/datasets
Commit Name: 7c38f339c274bdc4eadde1e651731f456a5d4162
Time: 2018-11-06
Author: rsepassi@google.com
File Name: tensorflow_datasets/core/utils/tf_utils.py
Class Name:
Method Name: assert_shape_match

Project Name: tensorflow/agents
Commit Name: b5ae1c6bde39f5130c975992198f1f8ee5200f9a
Time: 2020-06-22
Author: ebrevdo@google.com
File Name: tf_agents/agents/dqn/dqn_agent.py
Class Name: DqnAgent
Method Name: _check_action_spec