
Before Change

        if kwargs.get("add_self_loops", False):
            // get the number of nodes from inputs[1] directly
            N = K.int_shape(inputs[1])[-1]
            if N is not None:
                // create self-loops
                A = tf.linalg.set_diag(A, K.cast(np.ones((N,)), dtype="float"))
                raise ValueError(
                    "{}: need to know number of nodes to add self-loops; obtained None instead".format(

        outputs = []
        for head in range(self.attn_heads):
            kernel = self.kernels[head]  // W in the paper (F x F")
            attention_kernel = self.attn_kernels[

After Change

        print(">>", X.shape, A.shape, out_indices.shape)

        batch_dim, n_nodes, _ = K.int_shape(X)
        if batch_dim != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Currently full-batch methods only support a batch dimension of one"

        // Remove singleton batch dimension
        A = K.squeeze(A, 0)
        X = K.squeeze(X, 0)
        out_indices = K.squeeze(out_indices, 0)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 10


Project Name: stellargraph/stellargraph
Commit Name: 145170ca9bbd89aa01d8a40841e3c039d3683af8
Time: 2019-06-03
Author: andrew.docherty@data61.csiro.au
File Name: stellargraph/layer/graph_attention.py
Class Name: GraphAttention
Method Name: call

Project Name: asyml/texar
Commit Name: 4a9836127987a39832d1a6f9da7e0cc925423d50
Time: 2018-07-31
Author: zhiting.hu@petuum.com
File Name: texar/models/seq2seq/seq2seq_base.py
Class Name: Seq2seqBase
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: dask/dask-ml
Commit Name: 68c9bab4a5c6821c2a4395763c676ba796406c49
Time: 2020-08-17
Author: TomAugspurger@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: dask_ml/preprocessing/_encoders.py
Class Name: OneHotEncoder
Method Name: _transform