
Before Change

    as well as all states from certain domains (for instance
    thermostat so that we get current temperature in our graphs).
    where = 
        (domain IN ({}) OR last_changed=last_updated)
        AND domain NOT IN ({}) AND last_updated > ?
    .format(",".join(""%s"" % x for x in SIGNIFICANT_DOMAINS),
               ",".join(""%s"" % x for x in IGNORE_DOMAINS))

    data = [start_time]

    if end_time is not None:
        where += "AND last_updated < ? "

    if entity_id is not None:
        where += "AND entity_id = ? "

    query = ("SELECT * FROM states WHERE {} "
             "ORDER BY entity_id, last_updated ASC").format(where)

    states = (state for state in recorder.query_states(query, data)
              if _is_significant(state))

After Change

    as well as all states from certain domains (for instance
    thermostat so that we get current temperature in our graphs).
    states = recorder.get_model("States")
    query = recorder.query("States").filter(
        (states.domain.in_(SIGNIFICANT_DOMAINS) |
         (states.last_changed == states.last_updated)) &
        ((~states.domain.in_(IGNORE_DOMAINS)) &
         (states.last_updated > start_time)))

    if end_time is not None:
        query = query.filter(states.last_updated < end_time)

    if entity_id is not None:
        query = query.filter_by(entity_id=entity_id.lower())

    states = (
        state for state in recorder.execute(
            query.order_by(states.entity_id, states.last_updated))
        if _is_significant(state))

    return states_to_json(states, start_time, entity_id)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 12


Project Name: home-assistant/home-assistant
Commit Name: a2e45b8fdde315b756691b4ae573ad55f55dc002
Time: 2016-07-02
Author: rhooper@toybox.ca
File Name: homeassistant/components/history.py
Class Name:
Method Name: get_significant_states

Project Name: home-assistant/home-assistant
Commit Name: a2e45b8fdde315b756691b4ae573ad55f55dc002
Time: 2016-07-02
Author: rhooper@toybox.ca
File Name: homeassistant/components/history.py
Class Name:
Method Name: get_states

Project Name: home-assistant/home-assistant
Commit Name: a2e45b8fdde315b756691b4ae573ad55f55dc002
Time: 2016-07-02
Author: rhooper@toybox.ca
File Name: homeassistant/components/history.py
Class Name:
Method Name: state_changes_during_period