
Before Change

    Return the output of the wrapped TensorFlow model for the given input,
    along with a callback to handle the backward pass.
    convert_inputs = model.get_attr("convert_inputs")
    convert_outputs = model.get_attr("convert_outputs")
    tensorflow_model = model.shims[0]
    X_tensorflow, get_dX = convert_inputs(model, X, is_train)
    if is_train:
        Y_tensorflow, tensorflow_backprop = tensorflow_model(X_tensorflow, is_train)

After Change

    Return the output of the wrapped TensorFlow model for the given input,
    along with a callback to handle the backward pass.
    convert_inputs = model.attrs["convert_inputs"]
    convert_outputs = model.attrs["convert_outputs"]
    tensorflow_model = model.shims[0]
    X_tensorflow, get_dX = convert_inputs(model, X, is_train)
    if is_train:
        Y_tensorflow, tensorflow_backprop = tensorflow_model(X_tensorflow, is_train)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 5

Non-data size: 10


Project Name: explosion/thinc
Commit Name: 845db182c394d74d2d3a588a1fa15a18b91e7efc
Time: 2020-01-24
Author: ines@ines.io
File Name: thinc/layers/tensorflowwrapper.py
Class Name:
Method Name: forward

Project Name: explosion/thinc
Commit Name: 845db182c394d74d2d3a588a1fa15a18b91e7efc
Time: 2020-01-24
Author: ines@ines.io
File Name: thinc/layers/hashembed.py
Class Name:
Method Name: forward

Project Name: explosion/thinc
Commit Name: 845db182c394d74d2d3a588a1fa15a18b91e7efc
Time: 2020-01-24
Author: ines@ines.io
File Name: thinc/layers/dropout.py
Class Name:
Method Name: forward

Project Name: explosion/thinc
Commit Name: 845db182c394d74d2d3a588a1fa15a18b91e7efc
Time: 2020-01-24
Author: ines@ines.io
File Name: thinc/layers/remap_ids.py
Class Name:
Method Name: forward

Project Name: explosion/thinc
Commit Name: 845db182c394d74d2d3a588a1fa15a18b91e7efc
Time: 2020-01-24
Author: ines@ines.io
File Name: thinc/layers/tensorflowwrapper.py
Class Name:
Method Name: forward

Project Name: explosion/thinc
Commit Name: 845db182c394d74d2d3a588a1fa15a18b91e7efc
Time: 2020-01-24
Author: ines@ines.io
File Name: thinc/layers/pytorchwrapper.py
Class Name:
Method Name: forward