
Before Change

                    if attack_success:
                        logger.debug("Margin Loss <= 0 --> Attack Success!")
                        if l2dist < best_l2dist:
                            logger.debug("New best L2Dist: %f (previous=%f)" % (l2dist, best_l2dist))
                            best_l2dist = l2dist
                            best_adv_image = adv_image
                    // compute gradient:
                    logger.debug("Compute loss gradient")
                    perturbation_tanh = -self._loss_gradient(z, target, image, adv_image, adv_image_tanh, 
                                                             c, clip_min, clip_max)
                    // perform line search to optimize perturbation                     
                    // first, halve the learning rate until perturbation actually decreases the loss:                      
                    prev_loss = loss
                    best_loss = loss
                    best_lr = 0
                    halving = 0
                    while loss >= prev_loss and halving < self.max_halving:
                        logger.debug("Apply gradient with learning rate %f (halving=%i)" % (lr, halving))
                        new_adv_image_tanh = adv_image_tanh + lr * perturbation_tanh
                        new_adv_image = self._tanh_to_original(new_adv_image_tanh, clip_min, clip_max)
                        _, l2dist, loss = self._loss(image, new_adv_image, target, c) 
                        logger.debug("New Total Loss: %f", loss)
                        logger.debug("New L2Dist: %f", l2dist)
                        logger.debug("New Margin Loss: %f", loss-l2dist)      
                        if loss < best_loss:
                            best_loss = loss
                            best_lr = lr
                        lr /= 2
                        halving += 1                        
                    lr *= 2
                    // if no halving was actually required, double the learning rate as long as this
                    // decreases the loss:
                    if halving == 1 and loss <= prev_loss:
                        doubling = 0
                        while loss <= prev_loss and doubling < self.max_doubling:  
                            prev_loss = loss
                            lr *= 2     
                            logger.debug("Apply gradient with learning rate %f (doubling=%i)" % (lr, doubling))
                            doubling += 1
                            new_adv_image_tanh = adv_image_tanh + lr * perturbation_tanh
                            new_adv_image = self._tanh_to_original(new_adv_image_tanh, clip_min, clip_max)
                            _, l2dist, loss = self._loss(image, new_adv_image, target, c)                            
                            logger.debug("New Total Loss: %f", loss)
                            logger.debug("New L2Dist: %f", l2dist)
                            logger.debug("New Margin Loss: %f", loss-l2dist)     
                            if loss < best_loss:
                                best_loss = loss
                                best_lr = lr            
                        lr /= 2
                    if best_lr >0:
                        logger.debug("Finally apply gradient with learning rate %f", best_lr)
                        // apply the optimal learning rate that was found and update the loss:
                        adv_image_tanh = adv_image_tanh + best_lr * perturbation_tanh
                        adv_image = self._tanh_to_original(adv_image_tanh, clip_min, clip_max)
                    z, l2dist, loss = self._loss(image, adv_image, target, c)                    
                    attack_success = (loss - l2dist <= 0)
                    overall_attack_success = overall_attack_success or attack_success
                // Update depending on attack success:
                if attack_success:
                    logger.debug("Margin Loss <= 0 --> Attack Success!")
                    if l2dist < best_l2dist:
                        logger.debug("New best L2Dist: %f (previous=%f)" % (l2dist, best_l2dist))
                        best_l2dist = l2dist
                        best_adv_image = adv_image
                if overall_attack_success:

After Change

                    if attack_success:
                        logger.debug("Margin Loss <= 0 --> Attack Success!")
                        if l2dist < best_l2dist:
                            logger.debug("New best L2Dist: %f (previous=%f)", l2dist, best_l2dist)
                            best_l2dist = l2dist
                            best_adv_image = adv_image
                    // compute gradient:
                    logger.debug("Compute loss gradient")
                    perturbation_tanh = -self._loss_gradient(z, target, image, adv_image, adv_image_tanh, 
                                                             c, clip_min, clip_max)
                    // perform line search to optimize perturbation                     
                    // first, halve the learning rate until perturbation actually decreases the loss:                      
                    prev_loss = loss
                    best_loss = loss
                    best_lr = 0
                    halving = 0
                    while loss >= prev_loss and halving < self.max_halving:
                        logger.debug("Apply gradient with learning rate %f (halving=%i)", lr, halving)
                        new_adv_image_tanh = adv_image_tanh + lr * perturbation_tanh
                        new_adv_image = self._tanh_to_original(new_adv_image_tanh, clip_min, clip_max)
                        _, l2dist, loss = self._loss(image, new_adv_image, target, c) 
                        logger.debug("New Total Loss: %f", loss)
                        logger.debug("New L2Dist: %f", l2dist)
                        logger.debug("New Margin Loss: %f", loss-l2dist)      
                        if loss < best_loss:
                            best_loss = loss
                            best_lr = lr
                        lr /= 2
                        halving += 1                        
                    lr *= 2
                    // if no halving was actually required, double the learning rate as long as this
                    // decreases the loss:
                    if halving == 1 and loss <= prev_loss:
                        doubling = 0
                        while loss <= prev_loss and doubling < self.max_doubling:  
                            prev_loss = loss
                            lr *= 2     
                            logger.debug("Apply gradient with learning rate %f (doubling=%i)", lr, doubling)
                            doubling += 1
                            new_adv_image_tanh = adv_image_tanh + lr * perturbation_tanh
                            new_adv_image = self._tanh_to_original(new_adv_image_tanh, clip_min, clip_max)
                            _, l2dist, loss = self._loss(image, new_adv_image, target, c)                            
                            logger.debug("New Total Loss: %f", loss)
                            logger.debug("New L2Dist: %f", l2dist)
                            logger.debug("New Margin Loss: %f", loss-l2dist)     
                            if loss < best_loss:
                                best_loss = loss
                                best_lr = lr            
                        lr /= 2
                    if best_lr >0:
                        logger.debug("Finally apply gradient with learning rate %f", best_lr)
                        // apply the optimal learning rate that was found and update the loss:
                        adv_image_tanh = adv_image_tanh + best_lr * perturbation_tanh
                        adv_image = self._tanh_to_original(adv_image_tanh, clip_min, clip_max)
                    z, l2dist, loss = self._loss(image, adv_image, target, c)                    
                    attack_success = (loss - l2dist <= 0)
                    overall_attack_success = overall_attack_success or attack_success
                // Update depending on attack success:
                if attack_success:
                    logger.debug("Margin Loss <= 0 --> Attack Success!")
                    if l2dist < best_l2dist:
                        logger.debug("New best L2Dist: %f (previous=%f)", l2dist, best_l2dist)
                        best_l2dist = l2dist
                        best_adv_image = adv_image
                if overall_attack_success:
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 8


Project Name: IBM/adversarial-robustness-toolbox
Commit Name: 8be52c9dc6198fbbd5a0b3e8e80571a505a21b1d
Time: 2018-10-31
Author: mathsinn@ie.ibm.com
File Name: art/attacks/carlini.py
Class Name: CarliniL2Method
Method Name: generate

Project Name: IBM/adversarial-robustness-toolbox
Commit Name: 8be52c9dc6198fbbd5a0b3e8e80571a505a21b1d
Time: 2018-10-31
Author: mathsinn@ie.ibm.com
File Name: art/attacks/carlini.py
Class Name: CarliniL2Method
Method Name: generate

Project Name: Microsoft/nni
Commit Name: 7c4b8c0d3d7d14c362892e44a1d256732d13a258
Time: 2019-10-29
Author: 40699903+liuzhe-lz@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: src/sdk/pynni/nni/bohb_advisor/config_generator.py
Class Name: CG_BOHB
Method Name: new_result

Project Name: RaRe-Technologies/gensim
Commit Name: 9112ee7e48ef67af672d171874bdc2c7315d0dc2
Time: 2017-01-10
Author: akutuzov72@gmail.com
File Name: gensim/models/keyedvectors.py
Class Name: KeyedVectors
Method Name: evaluate_word_pairs