
Before Change

        grouped_distributions() should work even when there aren"t
        enough symbols. We should capture a print statement that warns the
        saved_stdout = sys.stdout
            out = StringIO()
            sys.stdout = out
            grouped_distributions("scatter", self.ValidTypicalData,
                                  [1, 4, 10, 11], ["T0", "T1", "T2", "T3"],
                                  ["Infants", "Children", "Teens"], ["^"],
                                  "x-axis label", "y-axis label", "Test")
            output = out.getvalue().strip()
            exp = ("There are not enough markers to uniquely represent each "
                   "distribution in your dataset. You may want to provide a "
                   "list of markers that is at least as large as the number "
                   "of distributions in your dataset.")
            self.assertTrue(exp in output)
            sys.stdout = saved_stdout

    def test_grouped_distributions_empty_marker_list(self):
        grouped_distributions() should use the predefined list of
        markers if an empty list is provided by the user.
        grouped_distributions("scatter", self.ValidTypicalData,

After Change

                ["T0", "T1", "T2", "T3"], ["Infants", "Children", "Teens"],
                ["^"], "x-axis label", "y-axis label", "Test")
        npt.assert_warns(RuntimeWarning, grouped_distributions, *args)

    def test_grouped_distributions_empty_marker_list(self):
        grouped_distributions() should use the predefined list of
        markers if an empty list is provided by the user.
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 14


Project Name: biocore/scikit-bio
Commit Name: 02d92ef958d894bb03e43b752e0b39ed7b3bec17
Time: 2014-03-19
Author: jorgecanardo@gmail.com
File Name: skbio/draw/tests/test_distributions.py
Class Name: DistributionsTests
Method Name: test_grouped_distributions_insufficient_symbols

Project Name: biocore/scikit-bio
Commit Name: 02d92ef958d894bb03e43b752e0b39ed7b3bec17
Time: 2014-03-19
Author: jorgecanardo@gmail.com
File Name: skbio/draw/tests/test_distributions.py
Class Name: DistributionsTests
Method Name: test_set_figure_size_long_labels

Project Name: biocore/scikit-bio
Commit Name: 02d92ef958d894bb03e43b752e0b39ed7b3bec17
Time: 2014-03-19
Author: jorgecanardo@gmail.com
File Name: skbio/draw/tests/test_distributions.py
Class Name: DistributionsTests
Method Name: test_grouped_distributions_insufficient_colors