
Before Change

        fail = sub["fail"]
        mode = self.mode
//ifndef CEIL_INTDIV
//define CEIL_INTDIV(a, b) ((a/b) + ((a %% b) ? 1: 0))

        int grid_c = -1; //number of patch in height
        int grid_d = -1; //number of patch in width
        if (PyArray_NDIM(%(ten4)s) != 4)
            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "ten4 wrong rank");
        if (PyArray_NDIM(%(neib_shape)s) != 1)
            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "neib_shape wrong rank");
        if ( (PyArray_DIMS(%(neib_shape)s))[0] != 2)
            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "neib_shape wrong shape ; has to"
                                          " contain 2 elements");
        if (PyArray_NDIM(%(neib_step)s) != 1)
            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "neib_step wrong rank");
        if ( (PyArray_DIMS(%(neib_step)s))[0] != 2)
                         "neib_step wrong step ; has to contain 2 elements");

        // (c,d) = neib_shape
        const npy_intp c = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_shape)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_shape)s, 0);
        const npy_intp d = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_shape)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_shape)s, 1);
        // (step_x,step_y) = neib_step
        const dtype_%(neib_step)s step_x = *(dtype_%(neib_step)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_step)s, 0);
        const dtype_%(neib_step)s step_y = *(dtype_%(neib_step)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_step)s, 1);

        if (step_x <=0 || step_y <=0)
                         "neib_step wrong step ; values <= 0. Got %%lld %%lld.",
                         (long long) step_x, (long long) step_y);

        if (c <=0 || d <=0)
                         "neib_shape values <= 0. Got %%lld %%lld.",
                         (long long)c, (long long)d);

        if ( "%(mode)s" == "wrap_centered") {
            if (c%%2!=1 || d%%2!=1){
                             "Images2Neibs: in mode wrap_centered"
                             " need patch with odd shapes");
            if ( (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2] < c ||
                 (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3] < d)
                    "Images2Neibs: in wrap_centered mode, don"t support image"
                    " shapes smaller then the patch shapes:"
                    " neib_shape=(%%ld,%%ld), ten4[2:]=[%%ld,%%ld]",
                    (long int)c, (long int)d,
                    (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2]),
                    (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3]));
            grid_c = CEIL_INTDIV(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]),step_x);
            grid_d = CEIL_INTDIV(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]),step_y);

        }else if ( "%(mode)s" == "valid") {
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2] < c) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-c) %% step_x)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[0]=%%ld, neib_step[0]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[2]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)c, (long int)step_x,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2]));
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3] < d) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-d) %% step_y)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[1]=%%ld, neib_step[1]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[3]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)d, (long int)step_y,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3]));
            //number of patch in height
            grid_c = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-c)/step_x);
            //number of patch in width
            grid_d = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-d)/step_y);
        }else if ( "%(mode)s" == "ignore_borders") {
            //number of patch in height
            grid_c = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-c)/step_x);
            //number of patch in width
            grid_d = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-d)/step_y);
        }else if ( "%(mode)s" == "half") {
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2] < c) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-(c%%2)) %% step_x)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[0]=%%ld, neib_step[0]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[2]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)c, (long int)step_x,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2]));
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3] < d) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-(d%%2)) %% step_y)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[1]=%%ld, neib_step[1]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[3]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)d, (long int)step_y,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3]));
            //number of patch in height
            grid_c = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-(c%%2))/step_x);
            //number of patch in width
            grid_d = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-(d%%2))/step_y);
        }else if ( "%(mode)s" == "full") {
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2] < c) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]+c-2) %% step_x)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[0]=%%ld, neib_step[0]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[2]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)c, (long int)step_x,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2]));
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3] < d) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]+d-2) %% step_y)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[1]=%%ld, neib_step[1]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[3]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)d, (long int)step_y,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3]));
            //number of patch in height
            grid_c = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]+c-2)/step_x);
            //number of patch in width
            grid_d = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]+d-2)/step_y);
        }else {
                         "Images2Neibs: unknow mode "%(mode)s"");

        // new dimensions for z
        const npy_intp z_dim1 = c * d;
        const npy_intp z_dim0 =  grid_c
                            * grid_d
                            * (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[1]
                            * (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[0];

        if ((NULL == %(z)s)
            || ((PyArray_DIMS(%(z)s))[0] != z_dim0 )
            || ((PyArray_DIMS(%(z)s))[1] != z_dim1 )
            npy_intp dims[2];
            dims[0] = z_dim0;
            dims[1] = z_dim1;

            %(z)s = (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_EMPTY(2,
                PyArray_TYPE((PyArrayObject*) py_%(ten4)s),

            if (!%(z)s)
                PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "failed to alloc z output");

        { // NESTED SCOPE

        const int nb_batch = (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[0];
        const int nb_stack = (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[1];
        const int height = (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2];
        const int width = (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3];

        // (c,d) = neib_shape
        const npy_intp c = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_shape)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_shape)s, 0);
        const npy_intp d = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_shape)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_shape)s, 1);
        // (step_x,step_y) = neib_step
        const npy_intp step_x = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_step)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_step)s, 0);
        const npy_intp step_y = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_step)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_step)s, 1);

        const int wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x = c/2;
        const int wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y = d/2;
        // Oh this is messed up...
        for (int n = 0; n < nb_batch; n++)              // loop over batches
            for (int s = 0; s < nb_stack; s++)          // loop over stacks
                for (int a = 0; a < grid_c; a++)        // loop over the number of patch in height
                    for (int b = 0; b < grid_d; b++)    // loop over the number of patch in width
                        int z_row = b + grid_d*(a + grid_c*(s + nb_stack*n));
                        for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)     // loop over c
                            int ten4_2 = i + a * step_x;
                            if ( "%(mode)s" == "wrap_centered" ){
                                ten4_2 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x;
                                if ( ten4_2 < 0 ) ten4_2 += height;
                                else if (ten4_2 >= height) ten4_2 -= height;
                            } else if ( "%(mode)s" == "half" ){
                                ten4_2 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x;
                            } else if ( "%(mode)s" == "full" ){
                                ten4_2 -= c - 1;
                            if (ten4_2 < 0 | ten4_2 >= height) {
                                dtype_%(z)s* curr_z = (dtype_%(z)s*) PyArray_GETPTR2(%(z)s, z_row, d * i);
                                memset(curr_z, 0, d*sizeof(*curr_z));
                            } else {
                                for (int j = 0; j < d; j++)  // loop over d
                                    int ten4_3 = j + b * step_y;
                                    if ( "%(mode)s" == "wrap_centered" ){
                                        ten4_3 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y;
                                        if ( ten4_3 < 0 ) ten4_3 += width;
                                        else if (ten4_3 >= width) ten4_3 -= width;
                                    } else if ( "%(mode)s" == "half" ){
                                        ten4_3 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y;
                                    } else if ( "%(mode)s" == "full" ){
                                        ten4_3 -= d - 1;
                                    int z_col = j + d * i;
                                    dtype_%(z)s* curr_z = (dtype_%(z)s*) PyArray_GETPTR2(%(z)s, z_row, z_col);
                                    if (ten4_3 < 0 | ten4_3 >= width) {
                                        *curr_z = 0;
                                    } else {
                                        *curr_z = *( (dtype_%(ten4)s*) PyArray_GETPTR4(%(ten4)s, n, s, ten4_2, ten4_3));
        } // END NESTED SCOPE
         % locals()

def images2neibs(ten4, neib_shape, neib_step=None, mode="valid"):

After Change

        return [(z_dim0, z_dim1)]

    def c_code(self, node, name, inp, out, sub):
//ifndef CEIL_INTDIV
//define CEIL_INTDIV(a, b) ((a/b) + ((a %% b) ? 1: 0))

        int grid_c = -1; //number of patch in height
        int grid_d = -1; //number of patch in width
        if (PyArray_NDIM(%(ten4)s) != 4)
            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "ten4 wrong rank");
        if (PyArray_NDIM(%(neib_shape)s) != 1)
            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "neib_shape wrong rank");
        if ( (PyArray_DIMS(%(neib_shape)s))[0] != 2)
            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "neib_shape wrong shape ; has to"
                                          " contain 2 elements");
        if (PyArray_NDIM(%(neib_step)s) != 1)
            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "neib_step wrong rank");
        if ( (PyArray_DIMS(%(neib_step)s))[0] != 2)
                         "neib_step wrong step ; has to contain 2 elements");

        // (c,d) = neib_shape
        const npy_intp c = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_shape)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_shape)s, 0);
        const npy_intp d = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_shape)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_shape)s, 1);
        // (step_x,step_y) = neib_step
        const dtype_%(neib_step)s step_x = *(dtype_%(neib_step)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_step)s, 0);
        const dtype_%(neib_step)s step_y = *(dtype_%(neib_step)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_step)s, 1);

        if (step_x <=0 || step_y <=0)
                         "neib_step wrong step ; values <= 0. Got %%lld %%lld.",
                         (long long) step_x, (long long) step_y);

        if (c <=0 || d <=0)
                         "neib_shape values <= 0. Got %%lld %%lld.",
                         (long long)c, (long long)d);

        if (%(mode)s == MODE_WRAP_CENTERED) {
            if (c%%2!=1 || d%%2!=1){
                             "Images2Neibs: in mode wrap_centered"
                             " need patch with odd shapes");
            if ( (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2] < c ||
                 (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3] < d)
                    "Images2Neibs: in wrap_centered mode, don"t support image"
                    " shapes smaller then the patch shapes:"
                    " neib_shape=(%%ld,%%ld), ten4[2:]=[%%ld,%%ld]",
                    (long int)c, (long int)d,
                    (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2]),
                    (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3]));
            grid_c = CEIL_INTDIV(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]),step_x);
            grid_d = CEIL_INTDIV(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]),step_y);

        } else if (%(mode)s == MODE_VALID) {
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2] < c) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-c) %% step_x)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[0]=%%ld, neib_step[0]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[2]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)c, (long int)step_x,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2]));
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3] < d) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-d) %% step_y)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[1]=%%ld, neib_step[1]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[3]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)d, (long int)step_y,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3]));
            //number of patch in height
            grid_c = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-c)/step_x);
            //number of patch in width
            grid_d = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-d)/step_y);
        } else if (%(mode)s == MODE_IGNORE_BORDERS) {
            //number of patch in height
            grid_c = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-c)/step_x);
            //number of patch in width
            grid_d = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-d)/step_y);
        } else if (%(mode)s == MODE_HALF) {
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2] < c) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-(c%%2)) %% step_x)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[0]=%%ld, neib_step[0]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[2]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)c, (long int)step_x,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2]));
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3] < d) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-(d%%2)) %% step_y)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[1]=%%ld, neib_step[1]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[3]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)d, (long int)step_y,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3]));
            //number of patch in height
            grid_c = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]-(c%%2))/step_x);
            //number of patch in width
            grid_d = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]-(d%%2))/step_y);
        } else if (%(mode)s == MODE_FULL) {
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2] < c) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]+c-2) %% step_x)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[0]=%%ld, neib_step[0]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[2]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)c, (long int)step_x,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[2]));
            if ( ((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3] < d) ||
                 ( (((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]+d-2) %% step_y)!=0))
                             "neib_shape[1]=%%ld, neib_step[1]=%%ld and"
                             " ten4.shape[3]=%%ld not consistent",
                             (long int)d, (long int)step_y,
                             (long int)(PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s)[3]));
            //number of patch in height
            grid_c = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2]+c-2)/step_x);
            //number of patch in width
            grid_d = 1+(((PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3]+d-2)/step_y);
        } else {
                         "Images2Neibs: unknow mode %%d", %(mode)s);

        // new dimensions for z
        const npy_intp z_dim1 = c * d;
        const npy_intp z_dim0 =  grid_c
                            * grid_d
                            * (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[1]
                            * (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[0];

        if ((NULL == %(z)s)
            || ((PyArray_DIMS(%(z)s))[0] != z_dim0 )
            || ((PyArray_DIMS(%(z)s))[1] != z_dim1 )
            npy_intp dims[2];
            dims[0] = z_dim0;
            dims[1] = z_dim1;

            %(z)s = (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_EMPTY(2,
                PyArray_TYPE((PyArrayObject*) py_%(ten4)s),

            if (!%(z)s)
                PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "failed to alloc z output");

        { // NESTED SCOPE

        const int nb_batch = (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[0];
        const int nb_stack = (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[1];
        const int height = (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[2];
        const int width = (PyArray_DIMS(%(ten4)s))[3];

        // (c,d) = neib_shape
        const npy_intp c = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_shape)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_shape)s, 0);
        const npy_intp d = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_shape)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_shape)s, 1);
        // (step_x,step_y) = neib_step
        const npy_intp step_x = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_step)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_step)s, 0);
        const npy_intp step_y = (npy_intp) *(dtype_%(neib_step)s*) PyArray_GETPTR1(%(neib_step)s, 1);

        const int wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x = c/2;
        const int wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y = d/2;
        // Oh this is messed up...
        for (int n = 0; n < nb_batch; n++)              // loop over batches
            for (int s = 0; s < nb_stack; s++)          // loop over stacks
                for (int a = 0; a < grid_c; a++)        // loop over the number of patch in height
                    for (int b = 0; b < grid_d; b++)    // loop over the number of patch in width
                        int z_row = b + grid_d*(a + grid_c*(s + nb_stack*n));
                        for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)     // loop over c
                            int ten4_2 = i + a * step_x;
                            if (%(mode)s == MODE_WRAP_CENTERED) {
                                ten4_2 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x;
                                if ( ten4_2 < 0 ) ten4_2 += height;
                                else if (ten4_2 >= height) ten4_2 -= height;
                            } else if ( "%(mode)s" == "half" ){
                                ten4_2 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_x;
                            } else if ( "%(mode)s" == "full" ){
                                ten4_2 -= c - 1;
                            if (ten4_2 < 0 | ten4_2 >= height) {
                                dtype_%(z)s* curr_z = (dtype_%(z)s*) PyArray_GETPTR2(%(z)s, z_row, d * i);
                                memset(curr_z, 0, d*sizeof(*curr_z));
                            } else {
                                for (int j = 0; j < d; j++)  // loop over d
                                    int ten4_3 = j + b * step_y;
                                    if (%(mode)s == MODE_WRAP_CENTERED) {
                                        ten4_3 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y;
                                        if ( ten4_3 < 0 ) ten4_3 += width;
                                        else if (ten4_3 >= width) ten4_3 -= width;
                                    } else if (%(mode)s == MODE_HALF) {
                                        ten4_3 -= wrap_centered_half_idx_shift_y;
                                    } else if (%(mode)s == MODE_FULL) {
                                        ten4_3 -= d - 1;
                                    int z_col = j + d * i;
                                    dtype_%(z)s* curr_z = (dtype_%(z)s*) PyArray_GETPTR2(%(z)s, z_row, z_col);
                                    if (ten4_3 < 0 | ten4_3 >= width) {
                                        *curr_z = 0;
                                    } else {
                                        *curr_z = *( (dtype_%(ten4)s*) PyArray_GETPTR4(%(ten4)s, n, s, ten4_2, ten4_3));
        } // END NESTED SCOPE
         % dict(ten4=inp[0], neib_shape=inp[1], neib_step=inp[2], z=out[0],
                   fail=sub["fail"], mode=sub["params"])

def images2neibs(ten4, neib_shape, neib_step=None, mode="valid"):
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 11


Project Name: Theano/Theano
Commit Name: 1433cacb29820788a569e1669439a65d3b96d56d
Time: 2017-06-30
Author: stevenbocco@gmail.com
File Name: theano/tensor/nnet/neighbours.py
Class Name: Images2Neibs
Method Name: c_code

Project Name: Theano/Theano
Commit Name: 927aac6a7fa4e040440056ae23f767815b14b088
Time: 2017-05-10
Author: stevenbocco@gmail.com
File Name: theano/sandbox/rng_mrg.py
Class Name: mrg_uniform
Method Name: c_code

Project Name: Theano/Theano
Commit Name: 8b24ff5d2e47feee017528d56a1992a7af93568f
Time: 2017-06-30
Author: stevenbocco@gmail.com
File Name: theano/gpuarray/rng_mrg.py
Class Name: GPUA_mrg_uniform
Method Name: c_code