
Before Change

        self.append_input("A", A)
        self.append_input("B", B)
        return self.exec()

    def exec(self):
        A = self.inputs["A"]
        B = self.inputs["B"]

After Change

        self.parameters["axes"] = _normalize_axes(axes)

    def __call__(self, A: Variable, B: Variable):
        for axis in self.axes[0]:
            assert axis in A.order.axes, f
[Tensordot] Input variable "A" must have axes "{axis}":
    (op) = {self}
    (op.axes[0]) = {self.axes[0]}
    (A) = {A}

        for axis in A.order.axes:
            if axis not in self.axes[0]:
                assert axis in self.axes[1] or axis not in B.order.axes, f
[Tensordot] Axes of "A" which are not reduced must not be contained in "B":
    (op) = {self}
    (A.order.axes) = {A.order.axes}
    (B.order.axes) = {B.order.axes}
    (op.axes) = {self.axes}

        for axis in self.axes[1]:
            assert axis in B.order.axes, f
[Tensordot] Input variable "B" must have axes "{axis}":
    (op) = {self}
    (op.axes[1]) = {self.axes[1]}
    (B) = {B}

        for axis in B.order.axes:
            if axis not in self.axes[1]:
                assert axis in self.axes[0] or axis not in A.order.axes, f
[Tensordot] Axes of "B" which are not reduced must not be contained in "A":
    (op) = {self}
    (A.order.axes) = {A.order.axes}
    (B.order.axes) = {B.order.axes}
    (op.axes) = {self.axes}

        reduction_size_a = mul(A.shape_dict[a] for a in self.axes[0])
        reduction_size_b = mul(B.shape_dict[a] for a in self.axes[1])
        assert reduction_size_a == reduction_size_b, f
[Tensordot] Reduction size of "A" and "B" must be same:
    (A) = {A}
    (B) = {B}
    (axes) = {self.axes}
    (reduction size of A) = {reduction_size_a}
    (reduction size of B) = {reduction_size_b}

        c_shape_dict = AxisKeyDict()

        for axis in A.order.axes:
            if axis not in self.axes[0]:
                c_shape_dict[axis] = A.shape_dict[axis]

        for axis in B.order.axes:
            if axis not in self.axes[1]:
                c_shape_dict[axis] = B.shape_dict[axis]

        C = Variable(list(c_shape_dict.values()), Order(list(c_shape_dict.keys())))

        for axis in C.order.axes:

        self.append_input("A", A)
        self.append_input("B", B)
        self.append_output("C", C)
        return C,

    def axes(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[Axis, ...], Tuple[Axis, ...]]:
        return self.parameters["axes"]
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 13


Project Name: mil-tokyo/webdnn
Commit Name: b4910f5fc768b1304099295a8d8d2d8d08474469
Time: 2018-01-25
Author: y.kikura@gmail.com
File Name: src/graph_transpiler/webdnn/graph/operators/tensordot.py
Class Name: Tensordot
Method Name: __call__

Project Name: mil-tokyo/webdnn
Commit Name: b4910f5fc768b1304099295a8d8d2d8d08474469
Time: 2018-01-25
Author: y.kikura@gmail.com
File Name: src/graph_transpiler/webdnn/graph/operators/unpooling_2d.py
Class Name: Unpooling2D
Method Name: __call__

Project Name: mil-tokyo/webdnn
Commit Name: b4910f5fc768b1304099295a8d8d2d8d08474469
Time: 2018-01-25
Author: y.kikura@gmail.com
File Name: src/graph_transpiler/webdnn/graph/operators/reinterpret_axis.py
Class Name: ReinterpretAxis
Method Name: __call__

Project Name: mil-tokyo/webdnn
Commit Name: b4910f5fc768b1304099295a8d8d2d8d08474469
Time: 2018-01-25
Author: y.kikura@gmail.com
File Name: src/graph_transpiler/webdnn/graph/operators/tensordot.py
Class Name: Tensordot
Method Name: __call__