
Before Change

                theta_bar, momentum_bar = self.discretize_time(self.grad_log_pdf, self.model, theta_bar.copy(),
                                                               momentum_bar.copy(), epsilon).discretize_time()

            _, log_bar = self.grad_log_pdf(theta_bar.copy(), self.model).get_gradient_log_pdf()
            // log_m_1 = log(theta_m) or log(theta_m_1)
            _, log_m_1 = self.grad_log_pdf(theta_m.copy(), self.model).get_gradient_log_pdf()

            // Metropolis acceptance probability
            alpha = min(1, np.exp(log_bar - log_m_1 - 0.5 *
                                  np.float(np.dot(momentum_bar.T, momentum_bar) - np.dot(momentum0.T, momentum0))))

After Change

        super(HamiltonianMCda, self).__init__(model=model, grad_log_pdf=grad_log_pdf,

    def sample(self, theta0, num_adapt, num_samples, Lambda, epsilon=None):
        Method to return samples using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo

        theta0: A 1d array type object or a row matrix of shape 1 X d
                or d X 1.(Will be converted to d X 1)
                Vector representing values of parameter theta, the starting
                state in markov chain.

        num_adapt: int
                The number of interations to run the adaptation of epsilon,
                after Madapt iterations adaptation will be stopped

        num_samples: int
                     Number of samples to be generated

        Lambda: int or float
                Target trajectory length, epsilon * number of steps(L),
                where L is the number of steps taken per HMC iteration,
                and epsilon is step size for splitting time method.

        epsilon: float , defaults to None
                 The step size for descrete time method
                 If None, then will be choosen suitably

        list: A list of numpy array type objects containing samples

        >>> from pgmpy.inference import HamiltonianMCda as HMCda
        >>> from pgmpy.inference import JointGaussianDistribution as JGD, GradLogPDFGaussian as GLPG
        >>> from pgmpy.inference import LeapFrog
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> mean = np.array([1, 1])
        >>> cov_matrix = np.array([[1, 0.7], [0.7, 3]])
        >>> model = JGD(mean, cov_matrix)
        >>> sampler = HMCda(model=model, grad_log_pdf=GLPG, discretize_time=LeapFrog)
        >>> samples = sampler.sample(np.array([[1], [1]]), num_adapt=10000,
        ...                          num_samples = 10000, Lambda=2, epsilon=None)
        >>> samples_array = np.concatenate(samples, axis=1)
        >>> np.cov(samples_array)
        array([[ 0.98432155,  0.66517394],
               [ 0.66517394,  2.95449533]])

        // TODO: Proper parameterization
        if isinstance(theta0, (np.matrix, np.ndarray, list, tuple, set, frozenset)):
            theta0 = np.array(theta0).flatten()
            theta0 = np.reshape(theta0, (len(theta0), 1))
            raise TypeError("theta should be a 1d array type object")

        if epsilon is None:
            epsilon = self._find_reasonable_epsilon(theta0)

        if num_adapt <= 1:  // Return samples genrated using Simple HMC algorithm
            return HamiltonianMC.sample(self, theta0, num_samples, epsilon)

        mu = np.log(10.0 * epsilon)  // freely chosen point, after each iteration xt(/theta) is shrunk towards it
        // log(10 * epsilon) large values to save computation
        epsilon_bar = 1.0
        hbar = 0.0
        gamma = 0.05  // free parameter that controls the amount of shrinkage towards mu
        t0 = 10.0  // free parameter that stabilizes the initial iterations of the algorithm
        kappa = 0.75
        // See equation (6) section 3.2.1 for details
        samples = [theta0.copy()]
        theta_m = theta0.copy()
        for i in range(1, num_samples):
            // Genrating sample
            // Resampling momentum
            momentum0 = np.reshape(np.random.normal(0, 1, len(theta0)), theta0.shape)
            // theta_m here will be the previous sampled value of theta
            theta_bar, momentum_bar = theta_m.copy(), momentum0.copy()
            // Number of steps L to run discretize time algorithm
            lsteps = int(max(1, round(Lambda / epsilon, 0)))

            for _ in range(lsteps):
                // Taking L steps in time
                theta_bar, momentum_bar = self.discretize_time(self.grad_log_pdf, self.model, theta_bar.copy(),
                                                               momentum_bar.copy(), epsilon).discretize_time()

            acceptance_prob = self._acceptance_prob(theta_m.copy(), theta_bar.copy(), momentum0, momentum_bar)
            // Metropolis acceptance probability
            alpha = min(1, acceptance_prob)

            // Accept or reject the new proposed value of theta, i.e theta_bar
            if np.random.rand() < alpha:
                theta_m = theta_bar.copy()
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 16


Project Name: pgmpy/pgmpy
Commit Name: 25d18ec72f1a113ee42456125fc3557a0d5ce135
Time: 2016-06-17
Author: utkarsh.gupta550@gmail.com
File Name: pgmpy/inference/continuous_sampling.py
Class Name: HamiltonianMCda
Method Name: sample

Project Name: pgmpy/pgmpy
Commit Name: 25d18ec72f1a113ee42456125fc3557a0d5ce135
Time: 2016-06-17
Author: utkarsh.gupta550@gmail.com
File Name: pgmpy/inference/continuous_sampling.py
Class Name: HamiltonianMCda
Method Name: sample

Project Name: pgmpy/pgmpy
Commit Name: 25d18ec72f1a113ee42456125fc3557a0d5ce135
Time: 2016-06-17
Author: utkarsh.gupta550@gmail.com
File Name: pgmpy/inference/continuous_sampling.py
Class Name: HamiltonianMC
Method Name: sample

Project Name: pgmpy/pgmpy
Commit Name: 25d18ec72f1a113ee42456125fc3557a0d5ce135
Time: 2016-06-17
Author: utkarsh.gupta550@gmail.com
File Name: pgmpy/inference/continuous_sampling.py
Class Name: HamiltonianMCda
Method Name: generate_sample

Project Name: pgmpy/pgmpy
Commit Name: 25d18ec72f1a113ee42456125fc3557a0d5ce135
Time: 2016-06-17
Author: utkarsh.gupta550@gmail.com
File Name: pgmpy/inference/continuous_sampling.py
Class Name: HamiltonianMC
Method Name: generate_sample