Creates a CryptoKey within a KeyRing in the given location.
// Creates an API client for the KMS API.
client = kms_v1.KeyManagementServiceClient()
// The resource name of the KeyRing associated with the CryptoKey.
parent = client.key_ring_path(project_id, location_id, key_ring_id)
// Create the CryptoKey object template
purpose = enums.CryptoKey.CryptoKeyPurpose.ENCRYPT_DECRYPT
crypto_key = {"purpose": purpose}
// Create a CryptoKey for the given KeyRing.
response = client.create_crypto_key(parent, crypto_key_id, crypto_key)
print("Created CryptoKey {}.".format(
return response
// [END kms_create_cryptokey]
// [START kms_encrypt]