Before Change
super(WordClassifierBase, self).__init__()
def make_input(self, batch_dict):
x = batch_dict["x"]
xch = batch_dict.get("xch")
y = batch_dict.get("y")
lengths = batch_dict.get("lengths")
if self.gpu:
x = x.cuda()
if xch is not None:
xch = xch.cuda()
if y is not None:
y = y.cuda()
return x, xch, lengths, y
def forward(self, input):
// BxTxC
x = input[0]
After Change
:param do_dropout: (``bool``) Should we do dropout. Defaults to False
example_dict = dict({})
for key in self.embeddings.keys():
example_dict[key] = torch.from_numpy(batch_dict[key])
if self.gpu:
example_dict[key] = example_dict[key].cuda()
// Allow us to track a length, which is needed for BLSTMs
if self.lengths_key is not None:
example_dict["lengths"] = torch.from_numpy(batch_dict[self.lengths_key])
if self.gpu:
example_dict["lengths"] = example_dict["lengths"].cuda()
y = batch_dict.get("y")
if y is not None:
y = torch.from_numpy(y)
if self.gpu is not None:
y = y.cuda()
example_dict["y"] = y
return example_dict
def forward(self, input):
// BxTxC
embeddings = self._embed(input)
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 16
Instances Project Name: dpressel/mead-baseline
Commit Name: 2eb4c5f77bd8da9b1e23851b0acb84543e442953
Time: 2018-09-24
Author: dpressel@gmail.com
File Name: python/baseline/pytorch/classify/model.py
Class Name: WordClassifierModelBase
Method Name: make_input
Project Name: dpressel/mead-baseline
Commit Name: 7a4f4148317f7274c0c88095c037e93f95b1d00d
Time: 2018-09-25
Author: dpressel@gmail.com
File Name: python/baseline/pytorch/lm/model.py
Class Name: AbstractLanguageModel
Method Name: make_input
Project Name: dpressel/mead-baseline
Commit Name: 2eb4c5f77bd8da9b1e23851b0acb84543e442953
Time: 2018-09-24
Author: dpressel@gmail.com
File Name: python/baseline/pytorch/classify/model.py
Class Name: WordClassifierModelBase
Method Name: make_input
Project Name: dpressel/mead-baseline
Commit Name: 348b4a63399972a0276d4a7d2beb0cdf191da5d4
Time: 2018-09-30
Author: dpressel@gmail.com
File Name: python/baseline/dy/lm/model.py
Class Name: CharCompLanguageModel
Method Name: make_input