Before Change
sys.exit("Cannot open url %s. Bad URL or not connected to the internet?"%(msbulletinurl))
// check modification date
i = info.find_one({"db": "ms"})
if i is not None:
if f.headers["last-modified"] == i["last-modified"]:
print("Not modified")
if not os.path.exists(tmppath):
with open(tmppath+"/BulletinSearch.xlsx", "wb") as fp:
shutil.copyfileobj(f, fp)
// parse xlsx and store in database
wb = xlrd.open_workbook(tmppath+"/BulletinSearch.xlsx")
sh = wb.sheet_by_name("Bulletin Search")
header = [s.replace("\n", " ") for s in sh.row_values(0)]
bulletin = {}
software = {}
prev_id = ""
for rownum in range(sh.nrows-1):
row = sh.row_values(rownum + 1)
if row[1] == prev_id:
software = {}
software["product"] = row[6]
software["KB"] = str(row[7]).strip(".0")
software["component"] = row[8]
software["impact"] = row[9]
software["severity"] = row[10]
software["replace_id"] = row[11][:8]
software["replace_bk"] = row[11][9:-1]
software["reeboot"] = row[12]
if bulletin :
msbulletin.update({"id": bulletin["id"]}, {"$set": bulletin}, upsert=True)
bulletin = {}
software = {}
bulletin["Published"] = minimalist_xldate_as_datetime(row[0], 0).isoformat()
bulletin["id"] = row[1]
bulletin["KB"] = str(row[2]).strip(".0")
bulletin["severity"] = row[3]
bulletin["impact"] = row[4]
bulletin["title"] = row[5]
software["product"] = row[6]
software["KB"] = str(row[7]).strip(".0")
software["component"] = row[8]
software["impact"] = row[9]
software["severity"] = row[10]
software["replace_id"] = row[11][:8]
software["replace_bk"] = row[11][9:-1]
software["reeboot"] = row[12]
bulletin["CVE"] = row[13].split(",")
bulletin["software"] = [software]
bulletin["url"] = bulletinurl + row[1].lower()
prev_id = row[1]
//update database info after successful program-run
info.update({"db": "ms"}, {"$set": {"last-modified": f.headers["last-modified"]}}, upsert=True)
// shutil.rmtree("./tmp")
After Change
sys.exit("Cannot open url %s. Bad URL or not connected to the internet?"%(msbulletinurl))
// check modification date
if i is not None:
if f.headers["last-modified"] == i["last-modified"]:
print("Not modified")
if not os.path.exists(tmppath):
with open(tmppath+"/BulletinSearch.xlsx", "wb") as fp:
shutil.copyfileobj(f, fp)
// parse xlsx and store in database
wb = xlrd.open_workbook(tmppath+"/BulletinSearch.xlsx")
sh = wb.sheet_by_name("Bulletin Search")
header = [s.replace("\n", " ") for s in sh.row_values(0)]
bulletin = {}
software = {}
prev_id = ""
for rownum in range(sh.nrows-1):
row = sh.row_values(rownum + 1)
if row[1] == prev_id:
software = {}
software["product"] = row[6]
software["KB"] = str(row[7]).strip(".0")
software["component"] = row[8]
software["impact"] = row[9]
software["severity"] = row[10]
software["replace_id"] = row[11][:8]
software["replace_bk"] = row[11][9:-1]
software["reeboot"] = row[12]
if bulletin :
bulletin = {}
software = {}
bulletin["Published"] = minimalist_xldate_as_datetime(row[0], 0).isoformat()
bulletin["id"] = row[1]
bulletin["KB"] = str(row[2]).strip(".0")
bulletin["severity"] = row[3]
bulletin["impact"] = row[4]
bulletin["title"] = row[5]
software["product"] = row[6]
software["KB"] = str(row[7]).strip(".0")
software["component"] = row[8]
software["impact"] = row[9]
software["severity"] = row[10]
software["replace_id"] = row[11][:8]
software["replace_bk"] = row[11][9:-1]
software["reeboot"] = row[12]
bulletin["CVE"] = row[13].split(",")
bulletin["software"] = [software]
bulletin["url"] = bulletinurl + row[1].lower()
prev_id = row[1]
//update database info after successful program-run
dbLayer.setColUpdate("ms", f.headers["last-modified"])
// shutil.rmtree("./tmp")
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 11
Project Name: cve-search/cve-search
Commit Name: 7fcbf3e1e8b59897042e01c8c07236ce7bc4c010
Time: 2015-09-25
Author: pieterjan.moreels@gmail.com
File Name: sbin/db_mgmt_ms.py
Class Name:
Method Name:
Project Name: cve-search/cve-search
Commit Name: f59302d0d8aafc18d42d0e56e8c8a1d9b30f5af6
Time: 2015-10-21
Author: pieterjan.moreels@gmail.com
File Name: sbin/db_mgmt_vendorstatements.py
Class Name:
Method Name:
Project Name: cve-search/cve-search
Commit Name: 7fcbf3e1e8b59897042e01c8c07236ce7bc4c010
Time: 2015-09-25
Author: pieterjan.moreels@gmail.com
File Name: sbin/db_mgmt_ms.py
Class Name:
Method Name:
Project Name: cve-search/cve-search
Commit Name: f59302d0d8aafc18d42d0e56e8c8a1d9b30f5af6
Time: 2015-10-21
Author: pieterjan.moreels@gmail.com
File Name: sbin/db_mgmt_exploitdb.py
Class Name:
Method Name: