
Before Change

// a map from key -> value, converter
defaultParams = {
    "backend":           ["Agg", validate_backend],  // agg is certainly
                                                      // present
    "backend_fallback":  [True, validate_bool],  // agg is certainly present
    "backend.qt4":       [None, validate_qt4],
    "backend.qt5":       [None, validate_qt5],
    "webagg.port":       [8988, validate_int],
    "webagg.address":    ["", validate_webagg_address],
    "webagg.open_in_browser": [True, validate_bool],
    "webagg.port_retries": [50, validate_int],
    "nbagg.transparent":       [True, validate_bool],
    "toolbar":           ["toolbar2", validate_toolbar],
    "datapath":          [None, validate_path_exists],  // handled by
                                                        // _get_data_path_cached
    "interactive":       [False, validate_bool],
    "timezone":          ["UTC", validate_string],

    // the verbosity setting
    "verbose.level": ["silent", validate_verbose],
    "verbose.fileo": ["sys.stdout", validate_string],

    // line props
    "lines.linewidth":       [1.5, validate_float],  // line width in points
    "lines.linestyle":       ["-", _validate_linestyle],  // solid line
    "lines.color":           ["C0", validate_color],  // first color in color cycle
    "lines.marker":          ["None", validate_string],  // marker name
    "lines.markeredgewidth": [1.0, validate_float],
    "lines.markersize":      [6, validate_float],    // markersize, in points
    "lines.antialiased":     [True, validate_bool],  // antialiased (no jaggies)
    "lines.dash_joinstyle":  ["round", validate_joinstyle],
    "lines.solid_joinstyle": ["round", validate_joinstyle],
    "lines.dash_capstyle":   ["butt", validate_capstyle],
    "lines.solid_capstyle":  ["projecting", validate_capstyle],
    "lines.dashed_pattern":  [[3.7, 1.6], validate_nseq_float(allow_none=True)],
    "lines.dashdot_pattern": [[6.4, 1.6, 1, 1.6],
    "lines.dotted_pattern":  [[1, 1.65], validate_nseq_float(allow_none=True)],
    "lines.scale_dashes":  [True, validate_bool],

    // marker props
    "markers.fillstyle": ["full", validate_fillstyle],

    //// patch props
    "patch.linewidth":   [1.0, validate_float],     // line width in points
    "patch.edgecolor":   ["k", validate_color],
    "patch.force_edgecolor" : [False, validate_bool],
    "patch.facecolor":   ["C0", validate_color],    // first color in cycle
    "patch.antialiased": [True, validate_bool],     // antialiased (no jaggies)

    //// hatch props
    "hatch.color": ["k", validate_color],
    "hatch.linewidth": [1.0, validate_float],

    //// Histogram properties
    "hist.bins": [10, validate_hist_bins],

    //// Boxplot properties
    "boxplot.notch": [False, validate_bool],
    "boxplot.vertical": [True, validate_bool],
    "boxplot.whiskers": [1.5, validate_whiskers],
    "boxplot.bootstrap": [None, validate_int_or_None],
    "boxplot.patchartist": [False, validate_bool],
    "boxplot.showmeans": [False, validate_bool],
    "boxplot.showcaps": [True, validate_bool],
    "boxplot.showbox": [True, validate_bool],
    "boxplot.showfliers": [True, validate_bool],
    "boxplot.meanline": [False, validate_bool],

    "boxplot.flierprops.color": ["k", validate_color],
    "boxplot.flierprops.marker": ["o", validate_string],
    "boxplot.flierprops.markerfacecolor": ["none", validate_color_or_auto],
    "boxplot.flierprops.markeredgecolor": ["k", validate_color],
    "boxplot.flierprops.markersize": [6, validate_float],
    "boxplot.flierprops.linestyle": ["none", _validate_linestyle],
    "boxplot.flierprops.linewidth": [1.0, validate_float],

    "boxplot.boxprops.color": ["k", validate_color],
    "boxplot.boxprops.linewidth": [1.0, validate_float],
    "boxplot.boxprops.linestyle": ["-", _validate_linestyle],

    "boxplot.whiskerprops.color": ["k", validate_color],
    "boxplot.whiskerprops.linewidth": [1.0, validate_float],
    "boxplot.whiskerprops.linestyle": ["-", _validate_linestyle],

    "boxplot.capprops.color": ["k", validate_color],
    "boxplot.capprops.linewidth": [1.0, validate_float],
    "boxplot.capprops.linestyle": ["-", _validate_linestyle],

    "boxplot.medianprops.color": ["C1", validate_color],
    "boxplot.medianprops.linewidth": [1.0, validate_float],
    "boxplot.medianprops.linestyle": ["-", _validate_linestyle],

    "boxplot.meanprops.color": ["C2", validate_color],
    "boxplot.meanprops.marker": ["^", validate_string],
    "boxplot.meanprops.markerfacecolor": ["C2", validate_color],
    "boxplot.meanprops.markeredgecolor": ["C2", validate_color],
    "boxplot.meanprops.markersize": [6, validate_float],
    "boxplot.meanprops.linestyle": ["--", _validate_linestyle],
    "boxplot.meanprops.linewidth": [1.0, validate_float],

    //// font props
    "font.family":     [["sans-serif"], validate_stringlist],  // used by text object
    "font.style":      ["normal", validate_string],
    "font.variant":    ["normal", validate_string],
    "font.stretch":    ["normal", validate_string],
    "font.weight":     ["normal", validate_string],
    "font.size":       [10, validate_float],      // Base font size in points
    "font.serif":      [["DejaVu Serif", "Bitstream Vera Serif",
                         "Computer Modern Roman",
                         "New Century Schoolbook", "Century Schoolbook L",
                         "Utopia", "ITC Bookman", "Bookman",
                         "Nimbus Roman No9 L", "Times New Roman",
                         "Times", "Palatino", "Charter", "serif"],
    "font.sans-serif": [["DejaVu Sans", "Bitstream Vera Sans",
                         "Computer Modern Sans Serif",
                         "Lucida Grande", "Verdana", "Geneva", "Lucid",
                         "Arial", "Helvetica", "Avant Garde", "sans-serif"],
    "font.cursive":    [["Apple Chancery", "Textile", "Zapf Chancery",
                         "Sand", "Script MT", "Felipa", "cursive"],
    "font.fantasy":    [["Comic Sans MS", "Chicago", "Charcoal", "Impact"
                         "Western", "Humor Sans", "xkcd", "fantasy"],
    "font.monospace":  [["DejaVu Sans Mono", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono",
                         "Computer Modern Typewriter",
                         "Andale Mono", "Nimbus Mono L", "Courier New",
                         "Courier", "Fixed", "Terminal", "monospace"],

    // text props
    "text.color":          ["k", validate_color],     // black
    "text.usetex":         [False, validate_bool],
    "text.latex.unicode":  [False, validate_bool],
    "text.latex.preamble": [[""], validate_stringlist],
    "text.latex.preview":  [False, validate_bool],
    "text.dvipnghack":     [None, validate_bool_maybe_none],
    "text.hinting":        ["auto", validate_hinting],
    "text.hinting_factor": [8, validate_int],
    "text.antialiased":    [True, validate_bool],

    "mathtext.cal":            ["cursive", validate_font_properties],
    "mathtext.rm":             ["sans", validate_font_properties],
    "mathtext.tt":             ["monospace", validate_font_properties],
    "mathtext.it":             ["sans:italic", validate_font_properties],
    "mathtext.bf":             ["sans:bold", validate_font_properties],
    "mathtext.sf":             ["sans", validate_font_properties],
    "mathtext.fontset":        ["dejavusans", validate_fontset],
    "mathtext.default":        ["it", validate_mathtext_default],
    "mathtext.fallback_to_cm": [True, validate_bool],

    "image.aspect":        ["equal", validate_aspect],  // equal, auto, a number
    "image.interpolation": ["nearest", validate_string],
    "image.cmap":          ["viridis", validate_string],        // one of gray, jet, etc
    "image.lut":           [256, validate_int],  // lookup table
    "image.origin":        ["upper", validate_string],  // lookup table
    "image.resample":      [True, validate_bool],
    // Specify whether vector graphics backends will combine all images on a
    // set of axes into a single composite image
    "image.composite_image": [True, validate_bool],

    // contour props
    "contour.negative_linestyle": ["dashed", _validate_linestyle],
    "contour.corner_mask":        [True, validate_bool],

    // errorbar props
    "errorbar.capsize":      [0, validate_float],

    // axes props
    "axes.axisbelow":        ["line", validate_axisbelow],
    "axes.hold":             [None, deprecate_axes_hold],
    "axes.facecolor":        ["w", validate_color],  // background color; white
    "axes.edgecolor":        ["k", validate_color],  // edge color; black
    "axes.linewidth":        [0.8, validate_float],  // edge linewidth

    "axes.spines.left":      [True, validate_bool],  // Set visibility of axes
    "axes.spines.right":     [True, validate_bool],  // "spines", the lines
    "axes.spines.bottom":    [True, validate_bool],  // around the chart
    "axes.spines.top":       [True, validate_bool],  // denoting data boundary

    "axes.titlesize":        ["large", validate_fontsize],  // fontsize of the
                                                            // axes title
    "axes.titleweight":      ["normal", validate_string],  // font weight of axes title
    "axes.titlepad":         [6.0, validate_float],  // pad from axes top to title in points
    "axes.grid":             [False, validate_bool],   // display grid or not
    "axes.grid.which":       ["major", validate_axis_locator],  // set whether the gid are by
                                                                // default draw on "major"
                                                                // "minor" or "both" kind of
                                                                // axis locator
    "axes.grid.axis":        ["both", validate_grid_axis], // grid type.
                                                      // Can be "x", "y", "both"
    "axes.labelsize":        ["medium", validate_fontsize],  // fontsize of the
                                                             // x any y labels
    "axes.labelpad":         [4.0, validate_float], // space between label and axis
    "axes.labelweight":      ["normal", validate_string],  // fontsize of the x any y labels
    "axes.labelcolor":       ["k", validate_color],    // color of axis label
    "axes.formatter.limits": [[-7, 7], validate_nseq_int(2)],
                               // use scientific notation if log10
                               // of the axis range is smaller than the
                               // first or larger than the second
    "axes.formatter.use_locale": [False, validate_bool],
                               // Use the current locale to format ticks
    "axes.formatter.use_mathtext": [False, validate_bool],
    "axes.formatter.min_exponent": [0, validate_int],  // minimum exponent to format in scientific notation
    "axes.formatter.useoffset": [True, validate_bool],
    "axes.formatter.offset_threshold": [4, validate_int],
    "axes.unicode_minus": [True, validate_bool],
    // This entry can be either a cycler object or a
    // string repr of a cycler-object, which gets eval()"ed
    // to create the object.
    "axes.prop_cycle": [
                ["/Ǘf77b4", "//ff7f0e", "/ǘca02c", "//d62728",
                 "/񵃫bd", "/Ǟc564b", "//e377c2", "/ǝf7f7f",
                 "//bcbd22", "/ቭbecf"]),
    // If "data", axes limits are set close to the data.
    // If "round_numbers" axes limits are set to the nearest round numbers.
    "axes.autolimit_mode": [
        ValidateInStrings("autolimit_mode", ["data", "round_numbers"])],
    "axes.xmargin": [0.05, ValidateInterval(0, 1,
                                            closedmax=True)],  // margin added to xaxis
    "axes.ymargin": [0.05, ValidateInterval(0, 1,
                                            closedmax=True)],// margin added to yaxis

    "polaraxes.grid": [True, validate_bool],  // display polar grid or
                                                     // not
    "axes3d.grid": [True, validate_bool],  // display 3d grid

    // scatter props
    "scatter.marker": ["o", validate_string],

    // TODO validate that these are valid datetime format strings
    "date.autoformatter.year": ["%Y", validate_string],
    "date.autoformatter.month": ["%Y-%m", validate_string],
    "date.autoformatter.day": ["%Y-%m-%d", validate_string],
    "date.autoformatter.hour": ["%m-%d %H", validate_string],
    "date.autoformatter.minute": ["%d %H:%M", validate_string],
    "date.autoformatter.second": ["%H:%M:%S", validate_string],
    "date.autoformatter.microsecond": ["%M:%S.%f", validate_string],

    //legend properties
    "legend.fancybox": [True, validate_bool],
    "legend.loc": ["best", validate_legend_loc],
    // the number of points in the legend line
    "legend.numpoints": [1, validate_int],
    // the number of points in the legend line for scatter
    "legend.scatterpoints": [1, validate_int],
    "legend.fontsize": ["medium", validate_fontsize],
     // the relative size of legend markers vs. original
    "legend.markerscale": [1.0, validate_float],
    "legend.shadow": [False, validate_bool],
     // whether or not to draw a frame around legend
    "legend.frameon": [True, validate_bool],
     // alpha value of the legend frame
    "legend.framealpha": [0.8, validate_float_or_None],

    //// the following dimensions are in fraction of the font size
    "legend.borderpad": [0.4, validate_float],  // units are fontsize
    // the vertical space between the legend entries
    "legend.labelspacing": [0.5, validate_float],
    // the length of the legend lines
    "legend.handlelength": [2., validate_float],
    // the length of the legend lines
    "legend.handleheight": [0.7, validate_float],
    // the space between the legend line and legend text
    "legend.handletextpad": [.8, validate_float],
    // the border between the axes and legend edge
    "legend.borderaxespad": [0.5, validate_float],
    // the border between the axes and legend edge
    "legend.columnspacing": [2., validate_float],
    "legend.facecolor": ["inherit", validate_color_or_inherit],
    "legend.edgecolor": ["0.8", validate_color_or_inherit],

    // tick properties
    "xtick.top":         [False, validate_bool],   // draw ticks on the top side
    "xtick.bottom":      [True, validate_bool],   // draw ticks on the bottom side
    "xtick.labeltop":    [False, validate_bool],  // draw label on the top
    "xtick.labelbottom": [True, validate_bool],  // draw label on the bottom
    "xtick.major.size":  [3.5, validate_float],    // major xtick size in points
    "xtick.minor.size":  [2, validate_float],    // minor xtick size in points
    "xtick.major.width": [0.8, validate_float],  // major xtick width in points
    "xtick.minor.width": [0.6, validate_float],  // minor xtick width in points
    "xtick.major.pad":   [3.5, validate_float],    // distance to label in points
    "xtick.minor.pad":   [3.4, validate_float],    // distance to label in points
    "xtick.color":       ["k", validate_color],  // color of the xtick labels
    "xtick.minor.visible":   [False, validate_bool],    // visibility of the x axis minor ticks
    "xtick.minor.top":   [True, validate_bool],  // draw x axis top minor ticks
    "xtick.minor.bottom":    [True, validate_bool],    // draw x axis bottom minor ticks
    "xtick.major.top":   [True, validate_bool],  // draw x axis top major ticks
    "xtick.major.bottom":    [True, validate_bool],    // draw x axis bottom major ticks

    // fontsize of the xtick labels
    "xtick.labelsize":   ["medium", validate_fontsize],
    "xtick.direction":   ["out", validate_string],            // direction of xticks
    "xtick.alignment": ["center", _validate_alignment],

    "ytick.left":        [True, validate_bool],  // draw ticks on the left side
    "ytick.right":       [False, validate_bool],  // draw ticks on the right side
    "ytick.labelleft":   [True, validate_bool],  // draw tick labels on the left side
    "ytick.labelright":  [False, validate_bool],  // draw tick labels on the right side
    "ytick.major.size":  [3.5, validate_float],     // major ytick size in points
    "ytick.minor.size":  [2, validate_float],     // minor ytick size in points
    "ytick.major.width": [0.8, validate_float],   // major ytick width in points
    "ytick.minor.width": [0.6, validate_float],   // minor ytick width in points
    "ytick.major.pad":   [3.5, validate_float],     // distance to label in points
    "ytick.minor.pad":   [3.4, validate_float],     // distance to label in points
    "ytick.color":       ["k", validate_color],   // color of the ytick labels
    "ytick.minor.visible":   [False, validate_bool],    // visibility of the y axis minor ticks
    "ytick.minor.left":   [True, validate_bool],  // draw y axis left minor ticks
    "ytick.minor.right":    [True, validate_bool],    // draw y axis right minor ticks
    "ytick.major.left":   [True, validate_bool],  // draw y axis left major ticks
    "ytick.major.right":    [True, validate_bool],    // draw y axis right major ticks

    // fontsize of the ytick labels
    "ytick.labelsize":   ["medium", validate_fontsize],
    "ytick.direction":   ["out", validate_string],            // direction of yticks
    "ytick.alignment": ["center_baseline", _validate_alignment],

    "grid.color":        ["//b0b0b0", validate_color],  // grid color
    "grid.linestyle":    ["-", _validate_linestyle],  // solid
    "grid.linewidth":    [0.8, validate_float],     // in points
    "grid.alpha":        [1.0, validate_float],

    //// figure props
    // figure title
    "figure.titlesize":   ["large", validate_fontsize],
    "figure.titleweight": ["normal", validate_string],

    // figure size in inches: width by height
    "figure.figsize":    [[6.4, 4.8], validate_nseq_float(2)],
    "figure.dpi":        [100, validate_float],  // DPI
    "figure.facecolor":  ["w", validate_color],  // facecolor; white
    "figure.edgecolor":  ["w", validate_color],  // edgecolor; white
    "figure.frameon":    [True, validate_bool],
    "figure.autolayout": [False, validate_bool],
    "figure.max_open_warning": [20, validate_int],

    "figure.subplot.left": [0.125, ValidateInterval(0, 1, closedmin=True,
    "figure.subplot.right": [0.9, ValidateInterval(0, 1, closedmin=True,
    "figure.subplot.bottom": [0.11, ValidateInterval(0, 1, closedmin=True,
    "figure.subplot.top": [0.88, ValidateInterval(0, 1, closedmin=True,
    "figure.subplot.wspace": [0.2, ValidateInterval(0, 1, closedmin=True,
    "figure.subplot.hspace": [0.2, ValidateInterval(0, 1, closedmin=True,

    // do constrained_layout.
    "figure.constrained_layout.use": [False, validate_bool],
    // wspace and hspace are fraction of adjacent subplots to use
    // for space.  Much smaller than above because we don"t need
    // room for the text.
    "figure.constrained_layout.hspace": [0.02, ValidateInterval(
            0, 1, closedmin=True, closedmax=False)],
    "figure.constrained_layout.wspace": [0.02, ValidateInterval(
            0, 1, closedmin=True, closedmax=False)],
    // This is a buffer around the axes in inches.  This is 3pts.
    "figure.constrained_layout.h_pad": [0.04167, validate_float],
    "figure.constrained_layout.w_pad": [0.04167, validate_float],

    //// Saving figure"s properties
    "savefig.dpi":         ["figure", validate_dpi],  // DPI
    "savefig.facecolor":   ["w", validate_color],  // facecolor; white
    "savefig.edgecolor":   ["w", validate_color],  // edgecolor; white
    "savefig.frameon":     [True, validate_bool],
    "savefig.orientation": ["portrait", validate_orientation],  // edgecolor;
    "savefig.jpeg_quality": [95, validate_int],
    // value checked by backend at runtime
    "savefig.format":     ["png", update_savefig_format],
    // options are "tight", or "standard". "standard" validates to None.
    "savefig.bbox":       ["standard", validate_bbox],
    "savefig.pad_inches": [0.1, validate_float],
    // default directory in savefig dialog box
    "savefig.directory": ["~", validate_string],
    "savefig.transparent": [False, validate_bool],

    // Maintain shell focus for TkAgg
    "tk.window_focus":  [False, validate_bool],

    // Set the papersize/type
    "ps.papersize":     ["letter", validate_ps_papersize],
    "ps.useafm":        [False, validate_bool],  // Set PYTHONINSPECT
    // use ghostscript or xpdf to distill ps output
    "ps.usedistiller":  [False, validate_ps_distiller],
    "ps.distiller.res": [6000, validate_int],     // dpi
    "ps.fonttype":      [3, validate_fonttype],  // 3 (Type3) or 42 (Truetype)
    // compression level from 0 to 9; 0 to disable
    "pdf.compression":  [6, validate_int],
    // ignore any color-setting commands from the frontend
    "pdf.inheritcolor": [False, validate_bool],
    // use only the 14 PDF core fonts embedded in every PDF viewing application
    "pdf.use14corefonts": [False, validate_bool],
    "pdf.fonttype":     [3, validate_fonttype],  // 3 (Type3) or 42 (Truetype)

    "pgf.debug":     [False, validate_bool],  // output debug information
    // choose latex application for creating pdf files (xelatex/lualatex)
    "pgf.texsystem": ["xelatex", validate_pgf_texsystem],
    // use matplotlib rc settings for font configuration
    "pgf.rcfonts":   [True, validate_bool],
    // provide a custom preamble for the latex process
    "pgf.preamble":  [[""], validate_stringlist],

    // write raster image data directly into the svg file
    "svg.image_inline":     [True, validate_bool],
    // True to save all characters as paths in the SVG
    "svg.fonttype":         ["path", validate_svg_fonttype],
    "svg.hashsalt":         [None, validate_string_or_None],

    // set this when you want to generate hardcopy docstring
    "docstring.hardcopy": [False, validate_bool],
    // where plugin directory is locate
    "plugins.directory":  [".matplotlib_plugins", validate_string],

    "path.simplify": [True, validate_bool],
    "path.simplify_threshold": [1.0 / 9.0, ValidateInterval(0.0, 1.0)],
    "path.snap": [True, validate_bool],
    "path.sketch": [None, validate_sketch],
    "path.effects": [[], validate_any],
    "agg.path.chunksize": [0, validate_int],       // 0 to disable chunking;

    // key-mappings (multi-character mappings should be a list/tuple)
    "keymap.fullscreen":   [("f", "ctrl+f"), validate_stringlist],
    "keymap.home":         [["h", "r", "home"], validate_stringlist],
    "keymap.back":         [["left", "c", "backspace"], validate_stringlist],
    "keymap.forward":      [["right", "v"], validate_stringlist],
    "keymap.pan":          [["p"], validate_stringlist],
    "keymap.zoom":         [["o"], validate_stringlist],
    "keymap.save":         [["s", "ctrl+s"], validate_stringlist],
    "keymap.quit":         [["ctrl+w", "cmd+w", "q"], validate_stringlist],
    "keymap.quit_all":     [["W", "cmd+W", "Q"], validate_stringlist],
    "keymap.grid":         [["g"], validate_stringlist],
    "keymap.grid_minor":   [["G"], validate_stringlist],
    "keymap.yscale":       [["l"], validate_stringlist],
    "keymap.xscale":       [["k", "L"], validate_stringlist],
    "keymap.all_axes":     [["a"], validate_stringlist],

    // sample data
    "examples.directory": ["", validate_string],

    // Animation settings
    "animation.html":         ["none", validate_movie_html_fmt],
    // Limit, in MB, of size of base64 encoded animation in HTML
    // (i.e. IPython notebook)
    "animation.embed_limit":  [20, validate_float],
    "animation.writer":       ["ffmpeg", validate_movie_writer],
    "animation.codec":        ["h264", validate_string],
    "animation.bitrate":      [-1, validate_int],
    // Controls image format when frames are written to disk
    "animation.frame_format": ["png", validate_movie_frame_fmt],
    // Additional arguments for HTML writer
    "animation.html_args":    [[], validate_stringlist],
    // Path to ffmpeg binary. If just binary name, subprocess uses $PATH.
    "animation.ffmpeg_path":  ["ffmpeg", validate_animation_writer_path],
    // Additional arguments for ffmpeg movie writer (using pipes)
    "animation.ffmpeg_args":   [[], validate_stringlist],
    // Path to AVConv binary. If just binary name, subprocess uses $PATH.
    "animation.avconv_path":   ["avconv", validate_animation_writer_path],
    // Additional arguments for avconv movie writer (using pipes)
    "animation.avconv_args":   [[], validate_stringlist],
     // Path to convert binary. If just binary name, subprocess uses $PATH.
    "animation.convert_path":  ["convert", validate_animation_writer_path],
     // Additional arguments for convert movie writer (using pipes)
    "animation.convert_args":  [[], validate_stringlist],

    // Classic (pre 2.0) compatibility mode
    // This is used for things that are hard to make backward compatible
    // with a sane rcParam alone.  This does *not* turn on classic mode
    // altogether.  For that use `matplotlib.style.use("classic")`.
    "_internal.classic_mode": [False, validate_bool]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    rc = defaultParams
    rc["datapath"][0] = "/"
    for key in rc:
        if not rc[key][1](rc[key][0]) == rc[key][0]:

After Change

// A validator dedicated to the named line styles, based on the items in
// ls_mapper, and a list of possible strings read from Line2D.set_linestyle
_validate_named_linestyle = ValidateInStrings("linestyle",
                                              list(six.iterkeys(ls_mapper)) +
                                              list(six.itervalues(ls_mapper)) +
                                              ["None", "none", " ", ""],

def _validate_linestyle(ls):
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 13


Project Name: matplotlib/matplotlib
Commit Name: 3bee9363d002f9d9bdca93746d5048219e7e4f1d
Time: 2018-03-07
Author: salinder.sid@gmail.com
File Name: lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: matplotlib/matplotlib
Commit Name: 18b5c87e2318218ada9799a069c0b65fae0b1e28
Time: 2017-12-18
Author: anntzer.lee@gmail.com
File Name: lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: matplotlib/matplotlib
Commit Name: 3bee9363d002f9d9bdca93746d5048219e7e4f1d
Time: 2018-03-07
Author: salinder.sid@gmail.com
File Name: lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: matplotlib/matplotlib
Commit Name: 48a17983d3545e73961ca99475dec71b463408c0
Time: 2018-03-06
Author: salinder.sid@gmail.com
File Name: lib/matplotlib/rcsetup.py
Class Name:
Method Name: