
Before Change

            // translate & rotate image
            axes = [0, 1] if a.channel_axis(batch=False) == 2 else [1, 2]

            if a.channel_axis(batch=False) == 0:  // pragma: no cover
                xy_shift = [0, x_shift, y_shift]
            else:  // pragma: no cover
                xy_shift = [x_shift, y_shift, 0]

            // rotate image (increases size)
            x = a.original_image
            x = rotate(x, angle=angle, axes=axes, reshape=True, order=1)

            // translate image

After Change

        del unpack

        min_, max_ = a.bounds()
        channel_axis = a.channel_axis(batch=False)

        def get_samples(limits, num, do_flag):
            // get regularly spaced or random samples within limits
            lb, up = (-limits, limits) if isinstance(limits, int) else limits

            if not do_flag:  // pragma: no cover
                return [0]
            elif random_sampling:  // pragma: no cover
                return np.random.uniform(lb, up, num)
                return np.linspace(lb, up, num)

        def crop_center(img):
            // crop center of the image (of the size of the original image)
            start = tuple(map(lambda a, da: (a - da) // 2, img.shape,
            end = tuple(map(operator.add, start, a.original_image.shape))
            slices = tuple(map(slice, start, end))
            return img[slices]

        x_shifts = get_samples(x_shift_limits, granularity, do_translations)
        y_shifts = get_samples(y_shift_limits, granularity, do_translations)
        rotations = get_samples(angular_limits, granularity, do_rotations)

        transformations = product(x_shifts, y_shifts, rotations)

        for x_shift, y_shift, angle in transformations:
            if channel_axis == 0:  // pragma: no cover
                xy_shift = (0, x_shift, y_shift)
                axes = (1, 2)
            elif channel_axis == 2:  // pragma: no cover
                xy_shift = (x_shift, y_shift, 0)
                axes = (0, 1)
                raise ValueError("SpatialAttack only supports models "
                                 "and inputs with NCHW or NHWC format")

            // rotate image (increases size)
            x = a.original_image
            x = rotate(x, angle=angle, axes=axes, reshape=True, order=1)

            // translate image
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 15


Project Name: bethgelab/foolbox
Commit Name: 91e12bf45cc3246241b32e7e4702f2bf72f3894e
Time: 2018-10-20
Author: jonasrauber@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: foolbox/attacks/spatial.py
Class Name: SpatialAttack
Method Name: __call__

Project Name: nipy/dipy
Commit Name: 3f0bd0264210e859fe4de2715e321cbaed327c85
Time: 2017-07-28
Author: sheybani.saber@gmail.com
File Name: dipy/denoise/localpca.py
Class Name:
Method Name: localpca

Project Name: nipy/dipy
Commit Name: 71b50613bb182a263e799be300e187b840fc1572
Time: 2017-07-21
Author: sheybani.saber@gmail.com
File Name: dipy/denoise/localpca.py
Class Name:
Method Name: localpca