
Before Change

        instance_id_list = [r["instance_id"] for r in run_list]

        // transform to configspace-configs & impute nonactive
        run_list = [configSpace.dict2config(r["config"]).imputeNonActive()
                    for r in run_list]

        // Scale within [0,1]
        run_list = [r.scale(lower=self.config["scale"][0],
                            upper=self.config["scale"][0]) for r in run_list]

        // transform to array
        run_list = numpy.array([r.toArray() for r in run_list])

After Change

        // transform to configspace-configs & impute nonactive
        // (TODO) Replace with map
        run_list = [configSpace.dict2config(r.config).imputeNonActive()
                    for r in run_list]

        // Add instance id key to the end
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 5

Non-data size: 15


Project Name: automl/SMAC3
Commit Name: a341d37f2fee459808e4e6547ee6263b952b920e
Time: 2015-11-20
Author: eggenspk@informatik.uni-freiburg.de
File Name: smac/runhistory/runhistory2epm.py
Class Name: RunHistory2EPM
Method Name: transform

Project Name: automl/SMAC3
Commit Name: a341d37f2fee459808e4e6547ee6263b952b920e
Time: 2015-11-20
Author: eggenspk@informatik.uni-freiburg.de
File Name: smac/runhistory/runhistory2epm.py
Class Name: RunHistory2EPM
Method Name: transform

Project Name: automl/SMAC3
Commit Name: 1afeaf237121e8e602fb055106c124f64f58c0ab
Time: 2015-11-20
Author: eggenspk@informatik.uni-freiburg.de
File Name: smac/runhistory/runhistory2epm.py
Class Name: RunHistory2EPM
Method Name: transform

Project Name: automl/SMAC3
Commit Name: 804096afb0ee449e99ad77eb64064c1b4a54acde
Time: 2015-11-19
Author: eggenspk@informatik.uni-freiburg.de
File Name: smac/runhistory/runhistory2epm.py
Class Name: RunHistory2EPM
Method Name: transform

Project Name: automl/SMAC3
Commit Name: da7fd6f5184a9fe749410c460ecf4d84ef82c9ad
Time: 2015-11-19
Author: eggenspk@informatik.uni-freiburg.de
File Name: smac/runhistory/runhistory2epm.py
Class Name: RunHistory2EPM
Method Name: transform

Project Name: automl/SMAC3
Commit Name: 004d9c915c91267d9065dfd2c63e040b4e29cad5
Time: 2015-11-20
Author: eggenspk@informatik.uni-freiburg.de
File Name: smac/runhistory/runhistory2epm.py
Class Name: RunHistory2EPM
Method Name: transform