
Before Change

        device_data_str = config.get("device_data")        
        device_data = None
        if device_data_str:
                device_data = json.loads(device_data_str)
            except Exception as json_ex:
                _LOGGER.error("Vera switch error parsing device info, should be in the format [{"id" : 12, "name": "Lounge Light"}]: %s", json_ex)

        vera_controller = veraApi.VeraController(base_url)
        devices = vera_controller.get_devices(["Switch", "Armable Sensor"])

        vera_switches = []

After Change

        vera_switches = []
        for device in devices:
            extra_data = get_extra_device_data(device_data, device.deviceId)
            exclude = False
            if extra_data:
                exclude = extra_data.get("exclude", False)

            if exclude is not True: 
                vera_switches.append(VeraSwitch(device, extra_data))

    except Exception as inst:
        _LOGGER.error("Could not find Vera switches: %s", inst)
        return False
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 14


Project Name: home-assistant/home-assistant
Commit Name: dc8147c46db586c491b7a11b55ceae17647c2606
Time: 2015-03-08
Author: jamespcole@gmail.com
File Name: homeassistant/components/switch/vera.py
Class Name:
Method Name: get_devices

Project Name: home-assistant/home-assistant
Commit Name: dc8147c46db586c491b7a11b55ceae17647c2606
Time: 2015-03-08
Author: jamespcole@gmail.com
File Name: homeassistant/components/switch/vera.py
Class Name:
Method Name: get_devices

Project Name: home-assistant/home-assistant
Commit Name: dc8147c46db586c491b7a11b55ceae17647c2606
Time: 2015-03-08
Author: jamespcole@gmail.com
File Name: homeassistant/components/sensor/vera.py
Class Name:
Method Name: get_devices

Project Name: home-assistant/home-assistant
Commit Name: dc8147c46db586c491b7a11b55ceae17647c2606
Time: 2015-03-08
Author: jamespcole@gmail.com
File Name: homeassistant/components/light/vera.py
Class Name:
Method Name: setup_platform