
Before Change

    def __ge__(self, other):
        is_scalar = is_scalar_type(other)
        if is_scalar:
            // special handling of Inf and -Inf
            if np.isposinf(other):
                return True
            if np.isneginf(other):
                return False
        fail_for_dimension_mismatch(self, other, "GreaterThanOrEquals")
        if isinstance(other, np.ndarray) or is_scalar:    
            return np.asarray(self) >= np.asarray(other)

After Change

            return NotImplemented

    def __ge__(self, other):
        is_scalar = is_scalar_type(other)
        if not is_scalar or not np.isinf(other):         
            fail_for_dimension_mismatch(self, other, "GreaterThanOrEquals")
        if isinstance(other, np.ndarray) or is_scalar:    
            return np.asarray(self) >= np.asarray(other)
            return NotImplemented
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 6

Non-data size: 14


Project Name: brian-team/brian2
Commit Name: 46ee9f7fe2455fa4d117045a2a6f6264b7146091
Time: 2012-11-02
Author: marcel.stimberg@ens.fr
File Name: brian2/units/fundamentalunits.py
Class Name: Quantity
Method Name: __ge__

Project Name: brian-team/brian2
Commit Name: 46ee9f7fe2455fa4d117045a2a6f6264b7146091
Time: 2012-11-02
Author: marcel.stimberg@ens.fr
File Name: brian2/units/fundamentalunits.py
Class Name: Quantity
Method Name: __le__

Project Name: brian-team/brian2
Commit Name: 46ee9f7fe2455fa4d117045a2a6f6264b7146091
Time: 2012-11-02
Author: marcel.stimberg@ens.fr
File Name: brian2/units/fundamentalunits.py
Class Name: Quantity
Method Name: __eq__

Project Name: brian-team/brian2
Commit Name: 46ee9f7fe2455fa4d117045a2a6f6264b7146091
Time: 2012-11-02
Author: marcel.stimberg@ens.fr
File Name: brian2/units/fundamentalunits.py
Class Name: Quantity
Method Name: __gt__

Project Name: brian-team/brian2
Commit Name: 46ee9f7fe2455fa4d117045a2a6f6264b7146091
Time: 2012-11-02
Author: marcel.stimberg@ens.fr
File Name: brian2/units/fundamentalunits.py
Class Name: Quantity
Method Name: __ne__

Project Name: brian-team/brian2
Commit Name: 46ee9f7fe2455fa4d117045a2a6f6264b7146091
Time: 2012-11-02
Author: marcel.stimberg@ens.fr
File Name: brian2/units/fundamentalunits.py
Class Name: Quantity
Method Name: __lt__