Before Change
super(JpegCompression, self).set_params(**kwargs)
if not isinstance(self.quality, (int, np.int)) or self.quality <= 0 or self.quality > 100:
logger.error("Image quality must be a positive integer <= 100.")
raise ValueError("Image quality must be a positive integer <= 100.")
if not isinstance(self.channel_index, (int, np.int)) or self.channel_index <= 0:
logger.error("Data channel must be a positive integer. The batch dimension is not a valid channel.")
raise ValueError("Data channel must be a positive integer. The batch dimension is not a valid channel.")
if len(self.clip_values) != 2:
raise ValueError("`clip_values` should be a tuple of 2 floats or arrays containing the allowed data range.")
After Change
if not isinstance(self.quality, (int, np.int)) or self.quality <= 0 or self.quality > 100:
raise ValueError("Image quality must be a positive integer <= 100.")
if not (isinstance(self.channel_index, (int, np.int)) and self.channel_index in [1, 3]):
raise ValueError(
"Data channel must be an integer equal to 1 or 2. The batch dimension is not a valid channel."
if len(self.clip_values) != 2:
raise ValueError(""clip_values" should be a tuple of 2 floats or arrays containing the allowed data range.")

Frequency: 4
Non-data size: 18
Project Name: IBM/adversarial-robustness-toolbox
Commit Name: 116e41cc7a8748c6b1b781846d14b4ca5ff32fd7
Time: 2020-05-14
Author: hesseltuinhof@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: art/defences/preprocessor/jpeg_compression.py
Class Name: JpegCompression
Method Name: set_params
Project Name: IBM/adversarial-robustness-toolbox
Commit Name: 116e41cc7a8748c6b1b781846d14b4ca5ff32fd7
Time: 2020-05-14
Author: hesseltuinhof@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: art/defences/preprocessor/jpeg_compression.py
Class Name: JpegCompression
Method Name: set_params
Project Name: IBM/adversarial-robustness-toolbox
Commit Name: 9a626bc8a3518c1ceef449ef5fe643811d287557
Time: 2020-05-20
Author: ebube.chuba@ibm.com
File Name: art/defences/preprocessor/jpeg_compression.py
Class Name: JpegCompression
Method Name: set_params
Project Name: IBM/adversarial-robustness-toolbox
Commit Name: 1d4d8b5896cd413add8d37217d46bd63ff1b2d22
Time: 2020-05-20
Author: hesseltuinhof@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: art/defences/preprocessor/jpeg_compression.py
Class Name: JpegCompression
Method Name: set_params
Project Name: IBM/adversarial-robustness-toolbox
Commit Name: 5bdbc96a3dbc0675a66c56c033dfc2cb44f828f9
Time: 2020-05-22
Author: hesseltuinhof@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: art/defences/preprocessor/spatial_smoothing.py
Class Name: SpatialSmoothing
Method Name: set_params