
Before Change

                tt = np.array([j[1] for j in self.route_expected_tt[veh_id]])

                if self.close_CD:
                    current_route_choice_indx = random.choice([0, 2])
                    // the vehicle chooses the route that will allow it to move fastest
                    // choices between equivalent routes are made randomly

After Change

                    // the vehicle chooses the route that will allow it to move fastest
                    // choices between equivalent routes are made randomly
                    // current_route_choice_indx = random.choice(np.where(min(tt) == tt)[0])
                    current_route_choice_indx = np.argmin(tt)

                route_choices[i] = self.available_route_choices[current_route_choice_indx]

            if self.vehicles[veh_id]["route"] != route_choices[i]:
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: flow-project/flow
Commit Name: f66f9cae2714a9c11fb30fce1608f7e013a03287
Time: 2017-08-17
Author: akreidieh@gmail.com
File Name: cistar_dev/cistar_dev/envs/braess_paradox.py
Class Name: BraessParadoxEnvironment
Method Name: choose_routes

Project Name: IBM/adversarial-robustness-toolbox
Commit Name: 23d00b78af8b6fc554a033c30dc4b0f8ffaf4804
Time: 2018-10-26
Author: Maria-Irina.Nicolae@ibm.com
File Name: art/attacks/deepfool.py
Class Name: DeepFool
Method Name: generate

Project Name: theislab/scanpy
Commit Name: b025e661ba479207645d76a7854c9bdf6501b657
Time: 2017-06-04
Author: f.alex.wolf@gmx.de
File Name: scanpy/tools/dpt.py
Class Name: DPT
Method Name: _detect_branching