
Before Change


        outblock = np.multiply(np.divide(ir - red, ir + red), 100.0) + 100.0            // scale and offset the NDVI value (ir-red)/(ir+red).
        np.copyto(pixelBlocks["output_pixelBlock"], outblock, casting="unsafe")              // copy local array to output pixel block.
        return pixelBlocks

After Change

        // The pixelBlocks dictionary does not contain scalars. 
        inputBlock = pixelBlocks["raster_pixels"]                  // get the input raster pixel block.
        inputBlocks = pixelBlocks["rasters_pixels"]                  // get the input raster pixel block.
        red = np.array(inblock[0], dtype="float")                   // extractbandids ensures first band is Red.
        ir = np.array(inblock[1], dtype="float")                    // extractbandids ensures second band is Infrared.

Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: Esri/raster-functions
Commit Name: d40ecc90c80ded43a98d23e0e46b5f5e849f02c5
Time: 2014-08-26
Author: akferoz@esri.com
File Name: ReferenceTemplate.py
Class Name: ReferenceFunction
Method Name: updatePixels

Project Name: pgmpy/pgmpy
Commit Name: cca8495ee86881b48e803813cf2ee66276665f37
Time: 2014-06-26
Author: navinchandak92@gmail.com
File Name: pgmpy/MarkovModel/JunctionTree.py
Class Name: JunctionTree
Method Name: _push_h

Project Name: SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker
Commit Name: 0c7a3c34514a0693d4a67c3c00ade2ad2385dedd
Time: 2017-11-20
Author: christian.brenninkmeijer@manchester.ac.uk
File Name: spynnaker/pyNN/models/neuron/threshold_types/threshold_type_maass_stochastic.py
Class Name: ThresholdTypeMaassStochastic
Method Name: _tau_th_inv

Project Name: SpiNNakerManchester/sPyNNaker
Commit Name: 0c7a3c34514a0693d4a67c3c00ade2ad2385dedd
Time: 2017-11-20
Author: christian.brenninkmeijer@manchester.ac.uk
File Name: spynnaker/pyNN/models/neuron/threshold_types/threshold_type_maass_stochastic.py
Class Name: ThresholdTypeMaassStochastic
Method Name: _du_th_inv