
Before Change

            sigfile.write("// output files\n")
            for target in sorted(x for x in dag._all_output_files if isinstance(x, str)):
    def run(self, targets=None, mode="run"):
        """Execute a workflow with specified command line args. If sub is True, this

After Change

            sigfile.write("// end time: {}\n".format(time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime())))
            sigfile.write("// input and dependent files\n")
            for target in sorted(x for x in dag._all_dependent_files if isinstance(x, str)):
                t = FileTarget(target)
                sigfile.write("{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(target, t.size(), t.md5()))
            sigfile.write("// output files\n")
            for target in sorted(x for x in dag._all_output_files if isinstance(x, str)):
                t = FileTarget(target)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 2


Project Name: vatlab/SoS
Commit Name: 4d4d77fa419b92f8b185cea2b2abe8cf598d1eb0
Time: 2016-10-30
Author: ben.bog@gmail.com
File Name: pysos/sos_executor.py
Class Name: Base_Executor
Method Name: save_workflow_signature

Project Name: vatlab/SoS
Commit Name: 5da2d41e1a4c10733ec845cc3bebd08048da2918
Time: 2017-05-03
Author: ben.bog@gmail.com
File Name: sos/jupyter/sos_executor.py
Class Name: Interactive_Executor
Method Name: run

Project Name: vatlab/SoS
Commit Name: 7eb019d10d9a603e5f2b29300fa2d811e197d529
Time: 2017-02-10
Author: bpeng@mdanderson.org
File Name: sos/__main__.py
Class Name:
Method Name: cmd_remove

Project Name: vatlab/SoS
Commit Name: 4d4d77fa419b92f8b185cea2b2abe8cf598d1eb0
Time: 2016-10-30
Author: ben.bog@gmail.com
File Name: pysos/main.py
Class Name:
Method Name: cmd_pack