
Before Change

    // Convert from BTU/unit of fuel to 1e6 BTU/unit.
    fuel_ferc1_df["fuel_avg_mmbtu_per_unit"] = fuel_ferc1_df["fuel_avg_heat"] / 1e6
    fuel_ferc1_df.drop("fuel_avg_heat", axis=1, inplace=True)

    // RENAME COLUMNS TO MATCH PUDL DB //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

After Change

    // grab table from dictionary of dfs, clean it up a bit
    fuel_ferc1_df = (
        _clean_cols(ferc1_raw_dfs["fuel_ferc1"], "f1_fuel").
        // Standardize plant_name capitalization and remove leading/trailing
        // white space -- necesary b/c plant_name is part of many foreign keys.
        pipe(strip_lower, ["plant_name"]).
        // Take the messy free-form fuel & fuel_unit fields, and do our best to
        // map them to some canonical categories... this is necessarily
        // imperfect:
        pipe(cleanstrings, ["fuel", "fuel_unit"],
             [pc.ferc1_fuel_strings, pc.ferc1_fuel_unit_strings],
        // Fuel cost per kWh is a per-unit value that doesn"t make sense to
        // report for a single fuel that may be only a small part of the fuel
        // consumed. "fuel generaton" is heat rate, but as it"s based only on
        // the heat content of a given fuel which may only be a small portion of
        // the overall fuel // consumption, it doesn"t make any sense here. Drop
        // it.
        drop(["fuel_cost_kwh", "fuel_generaton"], axis=1).
        // Convert from BTU/unit of fuel to 1e6 BTU/unit.
        assign(fuel_avg_mmbtu_per_unit=lambda x: x.fuel_avg_heat / 1e6).
        drop("fuel_avg_heat", axis=1).
        // Rename the columns to match our DB definitions
            // FERC 1 DB Name      PUDL DB Name
            "respondent_id": "utility_id_ferc1",
            "fuel": "fuel_type_code_pudl",
            "fuel_avg_mmbtu_per_unit": "fuel_mmbtu_per_unit",
            "fuel_quantity": "fuel_qty_burned",
            "fuel_cost_burned": "fuel_cost_per_unit_burned",
            "fuel_cost_delvd": "fuel_cost_per_unit_delivered",
            "fuel_cost_btu": "fuel_cost_per_mmbtu"})

    // CORRECT DATA ENTRY ERRORS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 2


Project Name: catalyst-cooperative/pudl
Commit Name: 590028f40e74f82c3d00f0bc48b4cf415c97bfce
Time: 2019-06-13
Author: zane.selvans@catalyst.coop
File Name: pudl/transform/ferc1.py
Class Name:
Method Name: fuel

Project Name: kwgoodman/numerox
Commit Name: f4f853044babbcaea98da946b106fcf84e8ef79b
Time: 2018-04-27
Author: kwgoodman@gmail.com
File Name: numerox/report.py
Class Name:
Method Name: big_staker

Project Name: CamDavidsonPilon/lifelines
Commit Name: aeaeb8c961e99d60b60a65e519e4b0c61747942c
Time: 2020-08-04
Author: cam.davidson.pilon@gmail.com
File Name: lifelines/fitters/__init__.py
Class Name: RegressionFitter
Method Name: _compute_central_values_of_raw_training_data