
Before Change

                "Cannot infer original voxel size for reslicing... "
                "set mri_resolution to boolean value or apply morph first.")
        // Now deal with the fact that we may have multiple sub-volumes
        inuse = [morph[k]["inuse"] for k in range(len(morph))]
        src_shape = [morph[k]["shape"] for k in range(len(morph))]
        assert len(set(map(tuple, src_shape))) == 1
        morph = BunchConst(src_data=_get_src_data(morph, mri_resolution)[0])

After Change

    Interpolate source estimate data to MRI.
    _check_dep(nibabel="2.1.0", dipy=False)
    NiftiImage, NiftiHeader = _triage_output(output)
    _validate_type(stc, _BaseVolSourceEstimate, "stc",
                   "volume source estimate")
    assert morph.kind in ("volume", "mixed")

    voxel_size_defined = False
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 2


Project Name: mne-tools/mne-python
Commit Name: 92914823931c1e330f79b91f4ff6d7f3ff397d7c
Time: 2020-05-29
Author: larson.eric.d@gmail.com
File Name: mne/morph.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _interpolate_data

Project Name: mne-tools/mne-python
Commit Name: 222deb6f5e97036274b9ac117582c20bee18d13a
Time: 2019-09-26
Author: larson.eric.d@gmail.com
File Name: mne/rank.py
Class Name:
Method Name: compute_rank

Project Name: mne-tools/mne-python
Commit Name: 9613c71f24b8f3f289fcbace86be57dcc66360ed
Time: 2020-07-20
Author: larson.eric.d@gmail.com
File Name: mne/channels/interpolation.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _do_interp_dots