for i in range(num_streams)]
for thread in threads:
for thread in threads:
// Metadata to attach to samples
metadata = {"netperf_test_length": FLAGS.netperf_test_length,
"max_iter": FLAGS.netperf_max_iter or 1}
parsed_output = [_ParseNetperfOutput(stdout, metadata, benchmark_name)
After Change
// Run all of the netperf processes and collect their stdout
// TODO: Record start times of netperf processes on the remote machine
remote_script_path = "%s/run/%s" % (vm.GetScratchDir(), REMOTE_SCRIPT)
remote_cmd = "%s --netperf_cmd="%s" --num_streams=%s" % \
(remote_script_path, netperf_cmd, num_streams)
remote_stdout, _ = vm.RemoteCommand(remote_cmd)
// Decode stdouts, stderrs, and return codes from remote command"s stdout
stdouts, stderrs, return_codes = json.loads(remote_stdout)