
Before Change

        // Short circuit plan execution since we don"t have all the inputs it needs.
        product = inputs
        binding = plan.bind(inputs)
        product = self.safe_execute(binding.execute, promise, plan, fail_slow=fail_slow)

      // Index the product across all promises we made for it.
      for subject in plan.subjects:

After Change

  An engine that runs tasks locally and serially in-process.

  def reduce(self, build_request, fail_slow=False):
    for step_batch in self._scheduler.schedule(build_request):
      for step, promise in step_batch:

class SerializationError(Exception):
  Indicates an error serializing input or outputs of an execution node.

  The `LocalMultiprocessEngine` uses this exception to communicate incompatible planner code when
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: pantsbuild/pants
Commit Name: ef3f8d221a5afefb01d655448ce7e3f537399810
Time: 2016-01-26
Author: stuhood@gmail.com
File Name: src/python/pants/engine/exp/engine.py
Class Name: LocalSerialEngine
Method Name: reduce

Project Name: bokeh/bokeh
Commit Name: 8d4e6b68a803661fa2dcbb1d3de9c83a8c59c21c
Time: 2016-12-08
Author: pitrou@free.fr
File Name: bokeh/server/server.py
Class Name: Server
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: ilastik/ilastik
Commit Name: 59da87e9b629944c2e3340b4771f3de9190ead38
Time: 2015-03-06
Author: bergs@janelia.hhmi.org
File Name: ilastik/applets/dataSelection/dataSelectionGui.py
Class Name: DataSelectionGui
Method Name: __init__