
Before Change

            gg.n_dim_x = x.nunique()

        if len(x)==1:
            n_high = 1
            n_high = 1

After Change

        if n_wide is None and n_high is None:
            // calculate both on the fly
            n_wide = math.ceil(math.sqrt(gg.n_dim_x))
            n_high = math.ceil(gg.n_dim_x / math.ceil(math.sqrt(gg.n_dim_x)))
        elif n_wide is None:
            // calculate n_wide on the fly
            n_wide = math.ceil(float(gg.n_dim_x) / n_high)
        elif n_high is None:
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 5

Non-data size: 3


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Time: 2013-10-19
Author: greg@yhathq.com
File Name: ggplot/geoms/facet_wrap.py
Class Name: facet_wrap
Method Name: __radd__

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Time: 2018-08-02
Author: leonard@lausen.nl
File Name: gluonnlp/data/dataset.py
Class Name: LanguageModelDataset
Method Name: bptt_batchify

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Time: 2021-03-18
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Time: 2019-02-06
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Class Name: Grover
Method Name: __init__