
Before Change

                    // Vigra thinks its okay to reorder the data if it has axistags,
                    //  but we don"t want that. To avoid reordering, we write the data
                    //  ourselves and attach the axistags afterwards.
                    dataset = localDataGroup.create_dataset(info.datasetId, data=data)
                    dataset.attrs["axistags"] = dataSlot.meta.axistags.toJSON()
                    wroteInternalData = True
            // Construct a list of all the local dataset ids we want to keep

After Change

                    assert success

                    // Add the axistags attribute to the dataset we just created
                    localDataGroup[info.datasetId].attrs["axistags"] = dataSlot.meta.axistags.toJSON()

                    // Update the dataset info with no path, just filename base to remind us what this data is
                    // (operator will react to the change when we call setValue(), below)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 3


Project Name: ilastik/ilastik
Commit Name: 4d11c9f68a38dfb94f2a353bf41c06133a8023ad
Time: 2012-08-07
Author: bergs@janelia.hhmi.org
File Name: ilastik/applets/dataSelection/dataSelectionSerializer.py
Class Name: DataSelectionSerializer
Method Name: _serializeToHdf5

Project Name: ilastik/ilastik
Commit Name: 97667a983d6f35b0d3cb90262edf89669b78666b
Time: 2013-03-19
Author: bergs@janelia.hhmi.org
File Name: lazyflow/utility/io/blockwiseFileset.py
Class Name: BlockwiseFileset
Method Name: exportRoiToHdf5

Project Name: google/ffn
Commit Name: 0e029c56e61dcfdf7ab2cc4d3cd518c2e4c6f7ba
Time: 2017-12-14
Author: mjanusz@google.com
File Name: compute_partitions.py
Class Name:
Method Name: main